17 per cent, the Dax has gained in the past month, since the Corona low point in mid-March, there are already 45 per cent Plus. Only 1500 points or about 12 percent, missing the record high of 13789 points, the German leading index, fielded in mid-February. DAX consist of 12,487 respondents,36 PTS. +466,08 (+3,88%) Xetra

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Not every German share is on the way rise in value. For Lufthansa, it looks in pandemic times less rosy. Analysts believe, the Deutsche Bank and automotive supplier Continental is more of a fall in prices.

Among the 160 shares in the German indices Dax, Mdax, TecDax and Sdax are but a rating of around two-thirds with a positive Outlook. Here are the ten shares, which analysts have confidence in the means of the largest price jumps until the spring of 2021, as measured by the closing price of 2. June.

1. Favorite share: corestate Capital Holding (Sdax) – 124 per cent

Purely from the figures, there is the Luxembourg real estate investor, is listed in the Sdax, little to complain about. Revenue and profit to shrink this year slightly, and get back the values from 2019 to reach. The share price has declined since the beginning of the year to around 51 percent. Accordingly, the upside potential is huge. With the unanimous 41,63 EUR per share, the core state would still be slightly below the record high of February. Webinar with Marc Friedrich: How do you now protect your wealth

Growing mountains of debt, Inflation, expensive Euro rescue: The Corona-crisis is changing the world. What do savers and investors to protect their money? Learn from best-selling author Marc Friedrich on 18. June, at 19.30 in a Webinar of FOCUS Online and Finanzen100. Here is your Ticket!

2. Wirecard (Dax) – 74 percent

Wirecard heard since the IPO of the strongest German stock. For a year the flight will be stopped, but again and again. This is less a result of international crises, such as Corona, but on new accusations, the payment service provider would cheat on his Asian business.

Recently, the sent the share price by 32 percent. From there, analysts see a potential for growth of 74 percent to 160 euros. That would be a new record. Wirecard 94,45 EUR +1,83 (+1,98%) Xetra

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3. Amadeus Fire (Sdax) – 62 percent

The shares of Amadeus Fire is considered a hot candidate for a Post-Corona-rally. Currently, the recruiter is suffering from layoffs and hiring freezes at companies. The economy is recovering and is likely to Amadeus Fire benefit on his mediation, but as the first, and far above its record high from the February rise. AMADEUS FIRE 107,60 EUR +5,60 (+5,49%) Xetra price data

4. Koenig & Bauer (Sdax) – 57 percent

The printing machines manufacturer Koenig & Bauer owes its high price targets, above all, his sound business. This ensures that the share to the corona-induced downturn is around 30 percent now, a real bargain. Both measured on revenue, profit as well as on book value and cash flow of the würzburg group is favorable. Koenig & Bauer 20,80 EUR +1,08 (+5,48%) Xetra price data

5. Around town (Mdax) – 51 percent

around town is that the share price will rise. The strong decline in the value of the company, the Board of management to buy back shares purchases in the amount of 500 million euros. The result is a tightened supply will send the price automatically to the top. Funded the repurchases through the sale of real estate to the value of 400 million euros. However, around town has settled only a little more than half. Around town, SA Bearer Shares EUR 5.65 +0,14 (+2,62%) Xetra price data

6. Eckert & Ziegler (Sdax) – 46 percent

Eckert & Ziegler module in the last year of the strongest German stock, and because medical technology is very much in demand, analysts see little arguments as to why the Rally should continue, especially since the Executive Board is assuming that neither turnover nor profit will decline this year in spite of the Corona. Eckert & Ziegler strahlen – und Medizintechnik 143,60 EUR +0,20 (+0,14%) Xetra price data

7. DIC Asset (Sdax) – 46 percent

in order To smooth 75 per cent, DIC Asset boosted its profit in the first quarter of 2020 compared to the previous year. In spite of pandemic, the real estate management of the company is strong. The stock is in descent, so that analysts trust the Sdax-listed group, a significant increase. DIC Asset 12,48 EUR +0,36 (+2,97%) Xetra price data

8. Hugo Boss (Mdax) – 35 percent

Pretty cheap, there is, currently, the share of Hugo Boss. That alone is, for most analysts to be a reason of the 43 percent since the beginning of the year decrease in share prophesy no further negative experiences. The range of possible increases differ widely. It depends critically on how strongly investors believe that Hugo Boss can continue to expand despite the global recession, his fashion business. HUGO BOSS 27,43 EUR +1,35 (+5,18%) Xetra price data

9. Deutz (Sdax) – 32 percent

machinery manufacturers, Deutz heard after the crash of its share to 30 percent this year to the best German stock, even as measured by the fact that sales and profits are likely to plummet by 50 percent. However, Deutz is considered to be a so-called early cyclicals, so as one of the companies noted a recovery in the economy as one of the first in the order book. Thus, the stock is likely to rise as one of the first to Corona again. DEUTZ 4,05 EUR +0,15 (+3,95%) Xetra

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10. Borussia Dortmund (Sdax) – 31 percent

The share price of a football club is often guided more by emotions than by hard business figures. However, the latter conclusions to make. So, the share price of Borussia Dortmund sank to the interruption of the Bundesliga to 52 percent. From there, it went back to 40 per cent and analysts believe the share price even more. Much will, however, depend on the circumstances under which the Bundesliga in their new season in August or September, can start. The games will be played without spectators, is detrimental to the revenue significantly. BVB (Borussia Dortmund) EUR 6.46 +0,07 (+1,02%) Xetra

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