times are tough for Amazon. Already pointed the finger at France, the company must face the wrath of several of its us employees due to his management during the pandemic of sars coronavirus. Three of them, working in a warehouse in New York, have decided to go further by challenging Amazon in court, accusing him of not having sufficiently protected by imposing heavy rates.

An employee of this distribution platform, gigantic located on the island of Staten Island, one of the five great New York neighborhoods, died of the Covid-19 the beginning of may, but his close relatives are not a party to these proceedings. The group had claimed at the time that this employee had not been in contact with another employee tested positive, which means that he would have contracted the virus outside of the site.

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strict Management of the breaks

According to the writ, filed Wednesday in federal court in Brooklyn on behalf of the three employees and some of their relatives, an employee claims to have contracted the Covid-19 at the center itself. It is feared to have contaminated a part of his family, including his cousin, who lived with her and died in her home of the Covid-19. According to the employees, Amazon has allowed employees who had been in contact with people positive to the virus to return to work on the site.

according to the document, the business of online trade has still not paid the compensation provided to employees in quarantine, which aimed to compensate for their loss of salary. The employees complain that also Amazon its management of sickness absence, which encourages, according to them, the employees not to be put off for fear they will not be paid for or be returned. The three employees also put into question the pace of work within the warehouse and the management is very strict and breaks, which “discourages employees from leaving their workstations to go wash their hands or clean their work station”.

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Amazon claims to have followed the recommendations

The subpoena does not claim other damages the payment of a portion of the compensation provided in the event of a quarantine, is not perceived by one of the employees. It requires primarily the application by Amazon of necessary measures to prevent the spread of the virus in the warehouse.

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as Requested by the Agence France-Presse, Amazon has provided have always followed the recommendations of the health authorities and have successfully passed all the health inspections for which its facilities have been submitted. The group said they spent more than 800 million dollars in the equipment necessary for the protection of its personnel against the spread of the virus, tests as well as a grant of two weeks of pay for employees in quarantine.

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