3 117 new cases in 24 hours. Iran has reached on Tuesday to a peak of infections with the coronavirus that it had not known since the 30 march last, at the height of the epidemic, which has affected a total of over 160 000 Iranians, and more than 8 000 dead. The day before, the iranian ministry of Health had recorded 81 deaths, the balance sheet, the highest since April 27.

This dramatic increase in the number of infections comes as the islamic Republic, who began his déconfinement progressive two months ago to save its economy, already suffering, was completed on may 30, the last phase of the lifting of restrictions. This Saturday, all officials of the iranian regime have taken the path of office and collective prayers were again allowed in the 40,000 mosques in the country. Last week, restaurants and sports venues had already re-opened their doors.

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“Situation critical”

according To the iranian president Hassan Rohani, the health situation in the country “no longer fragile” and the spread of the virus would decrease. The chief executive states, in particular, be based on the rate of reproduction of the Covid-19 who, after having been higher than 2, has fallen below 1. “Despite the president’s statements, the figures clearly show a second peak of infections,” says from Tehran, a journalist who closely follows the evolution of the pandemic. “Now, he adds, it is important to know that the health authorities are now taking into account also the case of persons who are not hospitalized, and keep in mind that the first wave of infections that struck Iran was probably under-estimated because of the absence of large-scale tests, which will all the same in the sense of an improvement of the current situation. “

If the life has well and truly resumed its normal course through Iran, the nine provinces are still believed to be in a ” critical situation “, according to the words of Kianouch Jahanpour, the spokesperson of the iranian ministry of Health : it is a question of Khorasan Razavi (northeastern), the Mazadaran (North), Azerbaijan between east and west (North-West), Kurdistan (West), Kermanshah (West), Lorestan (West), the Hormozgan (South) and Khouzestan (South-West).

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Only one region classified as ” red ” by the iranian authorities (highest level of risk), the province has suffered the may 11 measures of reconfinement (closure of administrative services, banks and shops non-essential and movement restrictions) after that the number of infections had tripled. Iranian officials put forward due to the attitude of the population, who would be averse to the application of the measures of social distancing. “We implored people not to hold weddings or funerals, but they have not listened to “, regretted on Monday, iranian minister of Health, Saeed Namaki, in an interview on State television. “One of my main concerns is that the population has taken over [a behavior] normal despite the coronavirus. “According to a survey conducted by the ministry of Health, the respect of the gestures barriers would have fallen from 90% to 40 % in the major cities of the country, and many Iranians would now be more of a mask for protection in transit.

Criticism within the government

Made a rare, iranian minister of Health has also linked the rise in contamination at the attitude of some members of the government. “Unfortunately, some managers are also affected by this illusion [about the Covid-19] “, he stressed. “They constantly put myself under pressure to open here and there. This gentleman of this headquarters or the gentleman of this ministry believe that everything is back to normal. “And the minister warned all of his fellow citizens :” If we continue thus, the coronavirus will we score a goal in the 90th minute. “

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The haste of the executive déconfiner costs the country in the month of April, two months after the official appearance of the virus, had already given rise to protests within the scientific community of iran, some of whose members felt that this decision, arrived too early, could cause a second wave of contaminations. But president Hassan Rohani had remained deaf to the criticism, arguing that the gradual recovery of the activity was vital for keeping afloat the iranian economy, already downtrodden by the u.s. sanctions.

us Sanctions

according To the international monetary Fund (IMF), the gross domestic product of Iran is expected to contract by 6 % this year. The iranian currency (the touman) has already lost two thirds of its value against the dollar and inflation is around today’s 40 %. First recipe of the State, the iranian exports of oil plunged from 2.8 million barrels per day in may 2018 at a few hundred thousand today. The money you suffer, what’s more, the unprecedented fall in the price of hydrocarbons due to the pandemic.

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According to estimates by the government, the crisis of the Covid-19 would have already cost nearly $ 2.5 billion to the iranian economy, while the executive provides a rescue plan of $ 4.4 billion, in particular, for SMES. “The government is obliged to lift the restrictions because of the economic issues related to u.s. sanctions, the oil crisis and the unemployment caused by the outbreak of coronavirus,” says from Tehran academic who requested anonymity. “Iran no longer had the social ability to keep the shops and businesses closed. “


It does not remain less than the 80 million Iranians are now faced with a cruel dilemma summed up in this tweet, which compares the number of infections is on the 11th of April last (3 200), the height of the epidemic, to the 4th of June (3 100). “Why have they said in April that the courts would resume not then I need to get to work/in progress in three days, and the numbers have not gone down ?” asks the user to iranian Jalinouks, before launching its leaders : “We have reached the second pic ! Understand-the. “

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