
  • retirees now receive monthly up to 60 euros more standard pension
  • The pensions in East and West Germany are the same to
  • a large reform package in 2025?

In the course of the annual pension adjustment to the remuneration paid in the East to rise by 4.2 and in the West by 3,45 percent. The East-pensions, which is close to the West references. This is now fix.

How much money does a pensioner get in the future, in addition:

The so-called standard pension rises according to the Federal government on 1538,55 Euro in the West (plus 51,37 Euro) and 1495,35 euros in the East (plus 60,30 euros). The standard pension is a comparison of size, the computer would get, Japanese one, of 45 years as the average earner contributions in the pension Fund has deposited.

A monthly pension of 1000 euros, which is only based on Western contributions, is expected to increase accordingly in order to 34,50 Euro, the same level of pension with Eastern contributions to 42.00 euros.

warning : The pension increase applies to all pensioners from 1. July 2020. However, it will not be made to all pensioners at the same time. Read more about it here.

Until 2024 East – and West-pensions at the same level

the basis for the annual pension adjustment to wage developments of the past year. Also the contribution to development and the ratio of contributors to pensioners play a role. Everything you know about your pension

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The current pension value in the East is rising, now at 97.2 percent of the value of the West. By 2024, it will reach on the basis of a legal requirement by 2017 progressively to 100 percent. The pension value is specifically in the Euro, how much is a pay item in the annuity value. A charge point is calculated according to a complicated formula determines the amount of the pension.

in previous years, the pensions were increased. Finally, the remuneration of 2019 in West Germany by 3.18 per cent, in the East to 3,91 percent. In 2018, there were 3.22 per cent (West) and 3,37 percent (East).

pension Fund to threaten large gaps

The pension, however, is the problems, because fewer contributors to come on more and more pensioners. If today’s mid-fifties, go to Mittsechziger of the “Baby boomers”-boomers retire, the result is large gaps in the Fund.

For the period up to 2025, the Bundestag approved a pension package. It is the pension level – the ratio of a standard pension after 45 years of contributions to wages requires – at a minimum of 48 percent. The contribution rate is not to exceed the 20-percent mark. He is now at 18.6 percent. Retirement at 63: How does it work? Our PDF guide shows you how you can retire early can go and still have the full amount received.To the PDF guide

For the time after 2025, a Commission of the Federal government, has just submitted proposals. It recommends a package of reforms, but not fundamental transformation, for example, with a higher retirement age. Healing subsequently announced until the fall of their own proposals. Heart attack weeks in advance: 5 symptoms you should never FOCUS Online/Wochit heart attack ignore is announced weeks in advance: 5 signs you should Cayman Islands never ignore-ridden swamp! Who leaves the boat, signs death sentence