After Donald Trump, it is Jair Bolsonaro, who is threatening to quit the world health Organization (WHO). “I tell you here, the United States are parties to the WHO, we think, in the future (…). Or WHO works free of bias, ideological, or we leave too. We don’t need outside people to give their feeling about health here”, he said to the press in Brasilia. Throughout the crisis of the coronavirus, Jair Bolsonaro has imitated Donald Trump in minimizing the severity of the disease, urging them to maintain a normal activity, and in touting the efficacy of a treatment that divides the scientists, the hydroxychloroquine.

speaking on this latter subject, the brazilian president said he was little surprised that a study in the medical journal the Lancet, which concluded that the futility of treatment, has been strongly challenged and then withdrawn. This withdrawal has prompted the WHO to resume the clinical trials on the molecule. “Trump has withdrawn the money and they reneged on all of it,” said Jair Bolsonaro. “Chloroquine is back”, he added.

Read also Baverez, The tragedy of the brazilian

More than 35, 000 deaths

In its latest balance sheet published on Friday evening, the brazilian ministry of Health has ceased to provide the total number of deaths, which reached 35 026, revealing that the last 24 hours (1 005). Thursday, this total was the third highest in the world, behind the United States and the United Kingdom, but ahead of Italy. Brazil has recorded more than 645, 000 cases, a number that many experts consider to be largely under-evaluated, due to lack of tests in sufficient number.

Consult our folder : Coronavirus : the world stop

writing will advise you

Nicolas Baverez – Storm on the WHO Barochez – The virus weakens the strong men