18 years Michael Schanderl mayor of Emmering was. In this time he has experienced UPS and Downs. The office has brought him to physical limits. In a personal interview, the 56-looking back-Year-old.

Emmering– Mr Schanderl, you had to early-adopt in the family business responsibility. How did you come to politics?

Actually, I always wanted to be a teacher. However, a serious accident of my brother, I took over the farm. We have then given up early, the livestock and agriculture in the sideline Farming to continue. Thus, time remained for studies of the agricultural Sciences, and then for the work of the Council.

Why did you want to be mayor?

This came through my work in the municipal Council. I was in my first term is already very strong for projects that were close to my heart, although I was the Youngest in the group. And then I joined at the end of the six years as a mayor candidate for the Free voters. It was enough at that time, although only for 18 percent of the vote, but my ambition was awakened.

in 2002, it worked then, after former mayor Alfons Ostermeier was no longer a runner. How was the beginning of time? And what was the most Important thing you’ve learned as mayor?

Initially, I had to learn, of course, a lot of it. Only after about three years, I knew how the Bunny to be running. Since has strengthened the network with the other mayors. But there was something I had to learn relatively quickly how and what hit me sometimes, personally: It helps a citizen, such as in the case of a house building project or a request; it helps him ten Times and the eleventh Time it’s not easy. Then it occurred that he is not supported at the next election. You must be in his office never to sure. On voters to vote out of gratitude, we should not rely.

What was your first project as mayor?

even in the election campaign in 2002 was a large topic of the residential development in the Emmer Inger the South. The Plan is not grown on my crap. Under former mayor Ostermeier was created for the area draft land use plan. But I have been accused of promoting the project, because I have even surfaces possessed. Today, you no more maybe so true. As you can see more of the new town hall or the new children’s house. But the construction area was the largest and, probably, for the development of Emmerings most important project in my first term of office.

In your second term, you had to cope with a personal a Deep. What had happened?

in 2010 I suffered a heart attack. Then I had a few weeks to rehab. Through this profound experience I realized that the saying “When someone does something with passion, it him to the heart” is something. The Doctors told me back then that many heart patients are prone to perfectionism. I had to say, in this case, painfully, that perfection is achieved only rarely.

it Was just too much Stress?

I was from 2008 to 2014, also spokesperson for the Free voters in the district. What has not reduced my workload just. Also, I had to take care of our farm and we built a house. I think that was in connection with an unhealthy lifestyle and being Overweight simply to much and may also have contributed to the heart attack. So I had to learn the hard way that you must take leisure time.

What have you taken from this crisis?

First in rehab, I learned to say no. Since then, I try to at least once a day to say no to something. I have also fed me healthier and more sports driven. Unfortunately, that only lasted a certain amount of time and levelled off then on again. But now I’ve taken it upon myself to do more. In addition, I’ve got tips on how I can better handle Stress.

What are these?

for Example, I’ve started to do one task after the other. Prior to that, I have the answer to one of the E-Mail, in between a phone call and by the way, I took care of the Post – and in the end I no longer knew where I was. If I’m caught out after the infarction that I’m doing three things at the same time, then I said to myself “stop”, one after the other.

in Spite of the drastic experience, you are of 2014 to choice started. How were the reactions to it, especially from the family?

Well, my wife was more reserved and worried. But she has always supported my decisions. And she was also in the election campaign actively with it. She was already my best choice of a fighter. She comes over as likeable and comes quickly with talking to people. Of course, this has radiated to me.

How did the family life in General in the home Schanderl? Their three children are now in their 20s. You actually just know as a mayor.

+ Now a new door for Schanderl is open: namely the tractor. The former mayor wants to re-work more on the farm.©Weber

Before the first term was of course not aware of this, what we were getting into. However, we have discussed everything together at home. The office had a positive and a negative impact on the whole family, especially the children. Especially when they were older and started Dating, was established for us, the winged phrase, “remember your name”. My wife was seen shopping in a little more detail. People interested whether also a finished pizza in the shopping basket ends up.

municipal election 2014 are you ramming with only a few votes in the runoff election is over welded. What was the impact on you?

the closeness of The result and the heart attack four years earlier in me more and more the decision to leave it 2020 be well. And now I can live with that. Although it feels at the moment like I was on vacation and would be back soon to the town hall.

If you now look back on 18 years as mayor: what then is your conclusion?

I look back with satisfaction on the time. Many of the projects I was able to implement. To Emmering is sound. We still have no debt. Who knows how Corona will change it. Otherwise, there were a few things that didn’t go so well, as now the least of the delays in the demolition of the fire station.

And where do you see the greatest successes?

firstly, there is the Visible, and that was it implemented in my tenure. Such as the already mentioned town Hall building, the bridges of the river Amper, the rehabilitation of the Amper hall and much more. But sometimes, the invisible is as important, if not even more important. We have established a good child-care in Emmering, with nurseries, kindergartens, lunch supervision and full-day classes. Every child has a safe daycare and childcare place.

what is the new life of Michael Schanderl?

first of all, I’m going to do with my wife holiday in the mountains. Then I want to work on but more at our farm. Sport is also fashionable. And maybe time for my Hobby – the Painting still remains in addition to the local honorary offices.