the investigation into The case of the missing little girl Maddie McCann in the Portuguese Praia Luz reminded of the search for the needle in the famous haystack. The Federal criminal police office and the office of the public Prosecutor presented two days ago a new Suspect: The German Christian B., 43, a multi-convicted sex offender should be deported, the three-year-old girl almost 14 years ago and murdered.

by the end of 2019, the Braunschweig district court imposed against the delinquent for robbery and rape of a 72-year-old US-American woman in her beach house in the Portuguese of Praia da Luz seven years in prison.

With a 30 centimeter long knife he asked for “Money?”

The case happened 14 years earlier, is the sire of the highest brutality. Even today, the traumatized victim is suffering from at the time of martyrdom. The judgment is not yet final, the defender has lodged an appeal. The evidence in the former trial, came to the following conclusion: at the beginning of September 2005, Christian B., the storm hood over the head, threatened the old woman with a 30-centimeter-long knife. Then he should have the Pensioner in the bedroom, raped and beaten, before he made his real concern: “Money?”. He demanded money, got a few dollar Bills and disappeared. dpa people sunbathe on the beach in Praia da Luz (Portugal). In the case of the well over 13 years ago in Portugal, missing British girl Madeleine “Maddie” McCann, a 43-year-old German is suspected of murder.

two years Ago led to statements of small-time crook on the trail of the Germans. The former well-Known from common times in Praia Da Luz-loaded Christian B. hard. In the rape process, in 2019, you repeated your particulars, provided, apparently, a further indication of the slope of the sex offender.

The victim called “rape”

The stories go back to April of 2006. In that time, Christian B. was again in the Portuguese prison. He had to serve a prison sentence due to diesel theft in the Marina of Lagos. As the Finca of the Detainees was orphaned, decided to the two well-Known, to pay her a visit. Christian B. had a Tank with 1000 liters of Fuel, it had apart from the two crooks. At the break, the Duo had a gun and a movie camera, and video cassettes to go with.

As the shots led to heart, they discovered scenes of an old woman, who wore swimming goggles and a masked man whipped him. Then he fell on her. Then later, the Sex offender should have taken off his mask. In the process, the witnesses pleaded that it was Christian B.. Steve Parsons/PA Wire/Reuters The house in Luz in Lagos (Portugal), from the Madeleine McCann (Maddie) on 03. May 2007 disappeared.

Furthermore, it was reported on another Clip with a girl at the age of about 14 years. It was tied to a beam and forced to of the German sexual practices have been. Have desperately, the victim called out: “rape”.

Even hardened thieves were horrified

The witnesses had apparently horrified that the court still. One of them said, Yes he had built a lot of “Shit”, but what he saw there seemed to him to be completely disgusting. Something like that would never come for him in question. That’s why he revealed himself after a long struggle by the British police, which had forwarded the case to the German colleagues. The witnesses reported a third case of sexual Assault. This Time an Italian is said to have been in the age of mid 40’s the victim. BKA The VW Bus of the accused Christian B.

One of the two thieves, described how he met Christian in the years 2003 and 2004, in a Local Portuguese Lagos and with him, the cat had landed. At that time, the dark blonde German in a noble livery, as a waiter is a great character. Soon B. had taken in confidence and told that he is excellent in Hotels is collapsing, and tourists. Sometimes he’ll climb the facades of high-and a step into the room, where the guests slept in their beds, quietly and unaware of the intrusion would be noticed.

“Night walks”

this Was also the case of little Maddie McCann case? The parents had left their child on the evening of her disappearance in her Apartment alone, to spend a nice evening in a Restaurant. There are currently only speculation, however, the Parallels are striking. dpa Kate and Gerry McCann, parents of 13 years ago missing British woman Madeleine McCann during a Search call to the photo of your daughter.

it Also revealed the witness before the court, to be hoarded, Christian B., dozens of passports, which he had captured from his thief trains, at home. In this context, he spoke of the “nocturnal walks”, in which the documents in the hands had fallen.

at the time wants to have borne the witness is also a box with up to 100 CD’s from the Finca of the accused. It had been porn, recalled the small-time gangster before the court, the most deviant sexual practices included.

The evidence is thin

All of these findings, the investigators. You have collected some evidence, the Christian B. also, in the case of Maddie McCann suspect make. As such, the fact that the man at the time lived in his small, nearby Finca. Because of the fact that his cell phone was logged in number in the vicinity, as Maddie that night the 3 is. May 2007 from an apartment complex had been abducted.

And it is also clear that its profile seems to fit to the offender: The slope of the Suspect to sexual Assault on women and children, coupled with his career as a thief, a burglar, a forger, and drug dealers fit into the picture of a serial offender, who does not shrink back, when the opportunity in front of a capital crime.

The previous evidence, so the Braunschweig state Prosecutor Christian Wolters sufficient at present, however, neither a warrant for a charge. Thus, the criminal are tracker, as before, at the beginning of a difficult search for clues to convict the Kidnapper of Maddie. Maybe it is the last Chance to solve the mystery of the Disappearance of the little girl. From these images, the police hoping for new information FOCUS Online/Wochit From these images, the police hoping for new information Cayman Islands-ridden swamp! Who leaves the boat, signs death sentence