After several hours of debate, the Hamburg Greens have endorsed on Saturday the coalition contract with the SPD. On a small party conference, 30 of the 35 of the delegates voted in favor of the Treaty and the distribution of the Senate posts. There were three votes against and one abstention, a delegate took part in the vote. With the vote by the way for the re-election of mayor Peter Tschentscher (SPD) is practically free. It was expected that the party delegates of the SPD on Saturday in an Online vote by majority vote for the contract.

In the coalition talks, the Greens on many points, their own ideas can contribute. “This is a coalition agreement with a clear green handwriting,” said science Senator, Katharina Fegebank. All new projects are subject to a financing condition. Long-planned, and for the economy, major infrastructure projects such as the construction of the port motorway A26-East or the köhlbrand tunnel is to be built in any case.

Tschentscher had declared at the conclusion of the negotiations: “The climate change we have to wear, as well as the Overcoming of the Corona-crisis. We focus on stability and reliability, we continue the successful work of the last legislature, to continue.“ The SPD and the greens govern in Hamburg already since 2015.

Four of the eleven Senate posts will be filled by the Green – one more than in the past. Group chief Anjes Tjarks takes on the transport authority. Senator of justice Till Steffen makes space for the country the boss of the Green, Anna Gallina. Jens Kerstan (the environment) and Katharina Fegebank (science) to keep their Posts.

On the SPD page’s health Senator Cornelia Prüfer-Storcks leaves at his own request. Your authority is assigned as the office of health of the social authority, which is headed by Melanie Leonhard. Dorothee Stapelfeldt remains the city’s development Senator. Their Offices also Andy Grote (home Affairs), Andreas Dressel (Finance), Ties Rabe (education), and Carsten Brosda (culture) to keep. The non-party Senator Michael West Hagemann will continue to be for economy, the field of transport, he has to give.

At the state election on may 23. February had doubled the Greens, their vote share, with 24.2 per cent (2015: 12,3) almost. In the citizenship, you have about 33 seats. In the previous legislature, they had 15. The SPD remained with 39.2 per cent (2015: 45,6) the strongest force, your group will also be reduced from 58 to 54 seats. Together, the two groups have a two-thirds majority of the total 123 seats in the Hamburg city Parliament.
