“We want to nip the Virus in the Bud,” said the CDU politician. “The homes is only possible with preventive series of tests in hospitals and nursing and if we all contact persons from Infected test.” On money this not to fail. “It is much more expensive to test enough to test too much,” said Spahn. So far, there are Tests on the cash costs of the rule only when a specific infection is suspected, so in people with symptoms.

Specifically, should be in principle tested all patients admitted in the hospital. In addition, health boards or Doctors can Tests for people without symptoms Vera. Is possible to comprehensive testing for close contacts to become Infected, for example, also be so that, if the proposed voluntary Corona-Warning App for Smartphones report a such contact. Width Tests are also outbreaks at the Corona-in day-care centres or schools as well as regular series of tests in hospitals and nursing homes.

health insurance companies warn of too high prices for Corona Tests

The rules to apply retroactively to 14. May, also for private patients and people without health insurance. The cost of 50 euros per Test, the Statutory health insurance (GKV) takes over. Health insurance-benefits at a Glance (indicator) Now in the free health insurance comparison to find the best conditions!

that’s Exactly why there was, however, a violent dispute went to court. Because the statutory health insurance funds to keep the estimated prices for Corona Tests is far too high. Them more cost of nearly one billion euros would arise. In court you have failed but just trying to press the prices.

Even at 15 Euro.

would have still made gains So it was determined at the end of the past week in an arbitration, that the funds for routine investigations in hospital patients per Test must reimburse 52,50 Euro, as the “editors’ network Germany” (“reported RND”) from Monday.

Individual health insurance from go, therefore, but that, thanks to the strong expansion of the laboratory capacities, even at a price of 15 Euro profit. The speaker of the funds-to-peak Association, Florian Lanz, said the “RND”, by the well established price of a billion euros to come this year alone to more expenditure on the statutory health insurance funds.

“mainly benefit private labs”

The 52,50 euros is the amount that the Minister of health, Jens Spahn (CDU) by regulation for the testing set, which are initiated by the public health authorities. For testing on patients in hospitals and in the outpatient sector, prices must be negotiated separately, which was failed because of the different positions. Therefore, the arbitral procedure was necessary.

“Our fear is that by the legal regulation, in fact, an excessive price for the millions of corona tests in the hospitals, however, has proved to be true,” said Lanz. “The solidarity of the statutory health insurance does not have to Finance with the Corona-mass tests only the State, but also an excessively high price to pay, of the private laboratories will benefit,” he criticized.

funds: costs per Test are only 10 Euro.

The health insurance companies assume that the increasing automation of the Corona-led Tests in the past few months, to a sharp decrease in Costs. In addition, you call for to pool more Tests. Different samples are tested together. Only in the case of a positive result of the mixed samples will then be made to individual tests. This pushes the costs according to the funds to have an average of ten euros per Test.

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