Since then, the Corona-pandemic has ensured that the mouth-nose masks for the people around the world in one’s daily life, with an enormous number of variants of the face-covering – the-face protection like in the Anime. The good news: Anyone can order this mask. However, the low circulation, the long delivery time and high price make it difficult the buying decision. (Also read: mask duty – what is the mask really makes sense, and how can you restore self-a?)

face protection like in the Anime: props designs, the funky mask according to Gundam model

The Thai props Poot Padee has made his Hobby his profession. Because of the weird mask, he has designed, reflects the Anime, his love for movies and Comic-film adaptations reflect, more precisely, for a Gundam is a Japanese Science-Fiction universe. His face mask therefore bears the name “Sinanju Gundam Ranger” and honors a character of the Anime movies. It was manufactured in Thailand from resin and fiberglass, completely Hand-made by Poot Padee itself. A head band fitted mask has a size of 25 x 23 x 17 cm and comes with a LED light in the middle. Who wears these mouth-nose protection, mutated in the blink of an eye to a character from the Gundam universe.

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“Sinanju Gundam Rangers”mask is not the only one in the range of the artist. A total of five variants Poot Padee is currently offering. Each mask, which may currently be in him, pre-ordered, however, is limited to nine or ten pieces. Since they are made by the artist-in-hand work, is, unfortunately, also expect a delivery time of about half a year. In addition to the long delivery time is expected to be of the high price is a Downer for all those who have already flirted with a mask: With the equivalent of 222 euros, the face shield is not quite inexpensive. (Also interesting: The mask – only protection, and soon to be a Trend?)

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The mask is not an official Corona protection

But who’s angry now, that this crazy mask will probably not go in his possession, calm can be. Whether and the work of art and how as an effective agent against the Transfer of Covid-19 can be used, is not known. Whom it is a meaningful protection against infection, should continue to rely on the commercially available mouth-nose masks.

Poot Padee designed accessories of other Comic book characters

Before Poot Padee was devoted to the Gundam hero, he occupied himself by the way, a long with the character of another universe: Iron Man. The artist was not only the helmet of the Marvel character, but also his Arm.

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*The post “face protection like in the Anime: This is the craziest corona mask in the world” by GQ. Contact with the executives here.