In February of last year it became public that ZDF presenter Markus Lanz (55) and his wife Angela (42) had separated. Around 15 months later, the 42-year-old revealed in an interview with the magazine “Gala” what her greatest wish is at the moment: If she has her way, she should finally be able to return to everyday working life after a break of around ten years.

She has “always loved working and also needs something for my head”. With two children – Angela and Markus Lanz have two daughters together – and over 40, that is easier said than done. “Nevertheless, I remain positive that I can do it.” She formulates her greatest future goal with the words: “I want and have to stand on my own two feet again in the near future.”

In the interview, the 42-year-old also reveals how important sport is to her in all situations, but especially in difficult situations. “When I’m not happy, I grab my running shoes. Then I’ll feel better.” In this way she has often been able to free herself from a “negative carousel of thoughts”.

As soon as the children are out of the house, she devotes herself to her fitness. She and her brother inherited their enthusiasm for sports from the cradle, so to speak, thanks to their father. Even though he’s now 75 years old, he’s in great shape and “still lifts 100 kilos.”

Angela Lanz is currently steeling her body for an immense challenge: the Hyrox World Championships in France in just under two weeks. She has already won the European championship title in the high-intensity fitness sport, and now she wants to achieve this success at the World Cup as well.

Angela and Markus Lanz were married in 2011 after about three years of being together. Their two daughters were born in 2014 and 2018.