Rama X., king of Thailand, has lived for years, mostly in upper Bavaria. The free state he deceived, nevertheless, by around three billion euros – with a simple Trick.

Rama X., king of Thailand, prefers to spend his time in Bavaria. Before he moved into a Hotel in the district of Garmisch-Partenkirchen, he lived in his own Villa in Tutzing. Although he seems to love Bayern very much deceived the Thai-Kini the free state is probably around three billion euros. All the info to the district of Starnberg, you can always find us on merkur.de in our weekly regions-Newsletter, as well as in our App.

Tutzing – Rama X. (67), before his coronation to the Maha Vajiralongkorn referred to since the 13th century. October 2016, the rightful king of Thailand. Already in 1972, the crown Prince appointed monarch, the son of Bhumibol Adulyadej had spent a lot of time abroad, and, preferably, in upper Bavaria. Although he seems to Bavaria very fond of, however, there is one thing that would leave the king in the free state more reluctant to, namely his money.

in fact, Rama X. after the death of his father, to a payment of about three – billion Euro. The Trick , he should have applied, is more than simplistic – and leaves a bitter aftertaste. However, after the row.

Thai Kini bounce free state three billion euros: With a simple Trick

lived to the time when his father, 88-year-old in October 2016 to be passed to the Rama X. with his then-girlfriend Suthida in the stately Villa Stolberg in Tutzing on lake Starnberg. This he had done for many millions of euros to the property. After the death of his in Thailand, a very popular father, king Bhumibol inherited the Rama X. a assets of the equivalent of around ten billion euros. Since he had bought the Villa Stolberg, and thus an official residence in Germany, could have, would have been the king of the free state, therefore, a inheritance tax 30 percent of the assets guilty – a whopping three billion euros so.

the Thai-Kini had not the slightest interest in having such a high percentage of its assets in Germany to be taxed and found, according to the information of Bild-Zeitung, a loophole in the German inheritance tax law that he exploited skillfully.

gap in the inheritance tax law: Thai king appoints the diplomats

So, a ticket a few days after the death of Bhumibols at the door of the Villa on the Starnberger see , which identified this as a diplomat-seat . Diplomats have to pay according to the law in Germany under certain circumstances, no inheritance tax, such as Rama X. apparently had to learn. Despite the fact that the Villa was unmistakably used as a private home and the present king was never traveled on a diplomatic Mission to upper Bavaria , went on to the strategy. Till today, Rama X. has not had a Cent of his inheritance in Bavaria taxable.

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to be sure, took advantage of the king finally, another Trick. With the start of the Corona pandemic, he left his Villa and rented a Hotel in Garmisch-Partenkirchen. Although the Hotels were locked to pandemic-times for guests, received the king with his entourage for an exception approval. From then on, he lived not more than a Private owner, but was officially as a Hotel guest in Bavaria, what is it according to §2 Abs. 1 no. 3 of the inheritance tax law now completely of his tax obligations redeemed.

Rama X. remains Bayern three billion guilty – and the state accepts it

The Green parliamentary group in the Bavarian Parliament, this tax-injustice ills on thrust. As the Deputy requested. Group Chairman Tim Pargent (27), as well as MdL Claudia Köhler (53) received an explanation as to why the state of the Thai-Kini is so cheap and, of course, but a very sobering reply of the Bavarian state Ministry of Finance and for home.

This, while acknowledging that a fundamental tax have passed the requirement for Rama X. , invoked but, ultimately, “the secret protection rights” and, above all, on the “whole-of-government interests of foreign relations”, which were not taken into account. Thus, the state is silent on the reasons for the tax exemption to the Thai-Kini’s and leaves the questions of the Green unanswered.

Rama X. enjoys meanwhile, his leisure time in the district of Garmisch-Partenkirchen, where he now has already in a number of Hotels are located. Seems as if the Monarch could enjoy in the future completely tax-free, the benefits of the beautiful nature in upper Bavaria.
