fully Regain France. It is the wish that Emmanuel Macron has made during his televised speech last June 14. That means, in particular by a return to slow but sure to the normal life of office. If Bruno The Mayor and Muriel Pénicaud were of the view that telework should continue to the extent possible for a few weeks, the government board, however, on a new health protocol to companies, which would be eased relative to that currently in force. According to information Europe 1, this protocol will replace the 80 sheets businesses that have been established during the containment by the ministry of Labour.

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Very strict, they would slow down to the tune of 20 % in average business productivity. With the passage of the whole of France in green zone on June 15 (with the exception of French Guyana and Mayotte), the executive wants businesses to be able to return to full activity and is therefore time to relax the rules. Thus, according to the radio, one of the first measures that should “jump” on the rule of 4 m2 per employee within the business premises. The new protocol would simply rule one meter safety distance between each employee. The health authorities, however, must still give their approval.

A new organisation of work

However, it will be necessary to remain on guard. Emmanuel Macron, Edward Philip…, the pundits of the government have been repeated constantly in recent times that if France could begin to return to the path of a normal life, the coronavirus was still present on the hexagonal territory and it is therefore necessary to observe the gestures barriers. Staggered hours, provision of hydroalcoholic gel, establishment of a working capital for the lunch breaks… these measures are expected to remain preferred.

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And telework should still have beautiful days ahead for companies that can operate at a distance, especially in large metropolitan areas to prevent an influx too large in transit. “Telework is a good way to do it,” reported Muriel Pénicaud in remarks reported by RTL. The minister of Labour considers it appropriate to maintain the whole device in ” starting rotations, that is to say come one or two days per week “. “This is what I see in a lot of companies and this seems to me interesting. “

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Covid-19 : telework, it is the health ? These French cities where it is good to telecommute