More than half a century, the Green card was actually printed on green paper, a color change will bring benefits.

Berlin (dpa/tmn) – The Green insurance card will change to 55 years of age your color. So far, on green paper, to be printed, it changes from the 1. July to white, the General Association of German insurance industry (GDV). Your name this document remains on your own Car insurance but.

The advantages are, inter alia, that the card can now be sent as PDF and by the customer self-printed. So far, the insurer sent the cards, or made them in their offices ready to be picked up. Important: Only printed on paper it is not valid, the mere Presentation of the PDF is valid.

In a transitional period until the end of the year, the insurer will distribute both versions – the classic green, but also on white paper. Anyone who already has a card, it can use up to the end of the validity of the GDV. Some of the member countries provide evidence in the future in parallel in two colors.

The Green card lists all the important Details of the insurance clearly and be seen by the police in some countries like. In some cases it is even obligatory for motorists, so the GDV. Not absolutely necessary, it is a premise in the countries of the European economic as well as in States such as Andorra, Switzerland, and Serbia. Here is the valid license plate serves as a sufficient proof.

duty is the card, but in many other countries, such as Turkey, Russia, Bosnia-Herzegovina or Belarus.

questions and answers about Green card