” Mélenchon is doing a putsch on the second city of France, it is not necessary that the ivorian was let fly their election ! “The candidate Republicans Martine Vassal is not in half-measure to warn voters of the possible victory of the Spring in marseille, at the top of the first round of municipal elections, march 15, with only 1 812 votes ahead on his nomination.

a Coalition of citizens ‘ groups and left-wing parties (PS, PC, BIA, Gen•S, New deal, public Place…), caught in the between-two-towers-by-EELV, the motley Spring in marseille has indeed received the support of the leader of the Dissenters, but belatedly and halfheartedly. Since its failed attempt in late 2019 to unite a left then scattered, the member of parliament for the Bouches-du-Rhone remained in withdrawal of the campaign for the municipal.

Read also In Marseille, Mélenchon left the way free to lepénistes

the head of The list of the movement, Michèle Rubirola, on the other hand has received a strong support from the patron of the Green Yannick Jadot, who came to visit him on 15 June, and the mayor (EELV) of Grenoble Eric Piolle, of which she feels very close. What to bring water to the mill of the right, who see in it a sign of the radicality of his project. “He made me a great bow humanist to earn his city, it is part of my political family,” defends Michele Rubirola.

The doctor, who first instituted in the 1970s in the Mountains and within the communist Organization of workers, before joining the Greens in the early 2000s, takes his career : “For me, political ecology is not right. This is a project of society is humanistic, rooted in solidarity, ” says the elected of the department, who, however, refuses to reduce its Spring to a cartel policy. Our program arose out of a hundred meetings and thematic committees with inhabitants, associations, collectives and citizens. Some will make their input to the city council if we are elected. “

“Winter siberian”

But for Martine Vassal, the Spring of marseille remains a movement anchored to the ultra-left, and the head of the list to the right continues to brandish the threat of the “red peril” and to announce the advent of ” winter siberian “. To mobilize its electorate, the chairperson of the department and the metropolis, propelled into politics by Jean-Claude Gaudin, is positioned as one that can ” protect the people of Marseille “.

” During the containment, we have identified new proposals on health, safety and employment. At this time, there are bankruptcy every day. It takes someone strong to lead this city, ” says Martine Vassal. Do you believe that companies will come to Marseille if the city is headed by a puppet of Paris, which will be the biggest docking port for the migrants, which built social housing en masse, stop lines and open rooms to shoot ? “

” The conservatives, it is we, actually ! “

“She does a lot too,” sighed her side, Olivia Fortin, a candidate in the Spring of marseille in the 6th and 8earrondissements – a sector that the right gaudiniste has always won in the first round – which is just around the corner Martine Vassal to only three points difference. At the head of a company event that if, for example, is occupied by the presentation of the latest film of Quentin Tarantino at the Cannes film Festival 2019, Olivia Fortin seeks to reassure the people of Marseille : “The conservatives, it is we, actually ! Our vision is very far from what Martine Vassal presents : we want more security by dedicating the staff of municipal police, to a role of appeasement, provide quality public services so that businesses can grow and create employment. Today, the metropolis is not quite attractive because it does not have a good product to sell. “

” We have the same level of endowments as Lyon, but our city is very poorly managed. The economic actors we say : they aspire simply to normalcy, ” adds Sébastien Barles, ex-the head of the list EELV. This speech all in all moderate may be that the Spring in marseille is also high in the two polls Ifop-Fiduciary and BVA published this week on the second round. Michèle Rubirola is credited with 35 to 36 % of voting intentions, ahead of Martine Vassal credited from 29 to 30 per cent and Stéphane Ravier (20-22 %).

Nothing is played

the candidate of The national Gathering is concerned about the return of the left that no one saw coming. “The left, which is the most sectarian and the most archaic that is. But if we are where we are, it is also due to the balance of the team Gaudin-Vassal and their denial on the habitat, safety, and pollution “, writes the senator, threatened today in its own fiefdom. On 28 June, he will face only the candidate of Martine Vassal, the general of the gendarmerie, retired David Galtier. In the 13th and 14th arrondissements, the Spring in marseille and the candidate Samia Ghali, in fact, removed, so as not to reproduce the triangular of 2014, which had facilitated the victory of Stéphane Ravier.

” Me, I do not equate Martine Vassal to the RN, I’m not talking about danger brown for his candidate “, tackle the passage Michèle Rubirola. The strategy of the republican front, however, could cost him the hall, the 7th being the one who brings the most councillors at city hall. The left could also suffer from its divisions on the 15th-16th centuries, the area of Samia Ghali. Senator ex-PS there will, with the support of environmentalists and LREM, a candidate for the RN but also the communist Jean-Marc Coppola, the Spring of marseille, who has maintained his candidacy. As for the senator DVD Bruno Gilles, he does not lose hope of beating Michele Rubirola in its sector of the 4th-5th, despite a differential of 15 points in the first round.

suspected fraud

so Nothing is gained for the Spring in marseille. But for Martine Vassal, either. In the 6th-8th, a quadrangular waiting with, in addition to Olivia Fortin, the candidate of RN, and Yvon Berland, the head of a list LREM, which could not be sustained in this sector. “Appointed late, I have had little time to explain my project, and I want my list to be conveyed to the city and the metropolis,” explains the former president of the university of Aix-Marseille.

But the candidate RL could particularly suffer of the investigation by the judicial police on suspicion of fraud to the powers of attorney within his team. For the moment, the police are interested in two of its colistières in the 6th-8th and 11th-12th – the two bastions of the right marseilles. They have also raided the headquarters of the campaign of the candidate, and seized from the electoral registers at the city hall in central. The investigators are also interested in the first round, in which 51 proxies were established for residents in long-term care Facility, without identity check and without the holders of those proxies is well-known to voters. The secrecy of the vote obliges the beneficiaries are not yet identified.

” I’m not a fraudeuse “, pounds of its side Martine Vassal, which for the moment is not directly at issue in this case. The candidate, who says he is ” serene “, has requested the cancellation of all powers of attorney of the second round of the ministry of the Interior, which did not have the power – it is up to the justice to decide. “To win at the fair “, it also hopes that the survey is interested in what is happening among his opponents. “My little finger told me that the police checks all the proxies. This is not to say that everyone is guilty, ” retorted Bruno Gilles, which already provides recourse in the event of proven fraud. The ecologist Sébastien Barles, who had already accused the candidate LR of several breaches to the electoral code before the first round.

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This case will she be voting anti-Vassal or the abstention, which reached the record level of 67,45 % last march 15 ? The second round promises to be so tight that the team that will win it most likely does not have the absolute majority. Stéphane Ravier, Bruno Gilles and Yvon Berland y already see an opportunity to impose their ideas. “The state of the city is such, writes Bruno Gilles, he’s going to need that we all agree. “At the risk of paralysing the action of the council. For Marseille, the real danger may be there.

writing will advise you

In Marseille, 100 000 confined in houses unworthy of Marseille, Martine Vassal, the enemy policy no. 1 Municipal : Marseille, fair to the candidates