The easing in the Corona-crisis, to go ahead for sportsman : in the Meantime, the fitness studios have opened in all of the länder again. You should wear actually a mask , in order to protect themselves and others?

Mouth guard is not required in the Sport so far, not even in the gym . Whether you want to wear a mask, so you can decide for yourself. In addition, General hygiene are of course washing makes sense, in order to train safely: hands before and after the Training thoroughly, the handles on the equipment to disinfect and sufficient distance to keep other athletes. (Also read: spacing rules: 1 or 2 meters how much distance is really useful?)

With a mask of the Sport is far more challenging

If you would prefer to train with a Mouth guard, you should pay attention to the Sport, especially on his body. “A mask is not really for sports”, says Professor Dr. Ingo Froböse of the German sport University in Cologne: The breathing is not so easy as usual, and the body is less well supplied with oxygen. This is partly due to the fact that you can breathe under the mask is always a part of his spent air.

In everyday life, for example when shopping or at the hairdresser’s visit, enough of the oxygen completely, the man with the mask – to train hard, it may be that you get faster to its limits. This is especially true if you are wearing a Mouth guard made of thick fabric. If the oxygen saturation drops in the blood, it can even happen that one becomes dizzy or feels weak.

With mouth protection is not the maximum intense exercise

The Training with the mask, therefore, is significantly more strenuous and the load for the body is higher. “It is important that you train with a Mouth guard less intense than usual, and not to its limits,” says the expert. When strength training, you should not utilize the maximum load, but prefer a lower weight and perform more reps.

Not only with a Mouth guard, you should pay attention to the correct breathing: In the effort to breathe out in relaxation. You should also listen to your own body: you Feel not comfortable, it is important to reduce the load, or the Training even to interrupt. (More tips on the subject of Fitness, you can read here)

Thin masks from air permeable Material to choose

if you Decide to wear a power sports a mask, you should also pay attention to the Material. Froböse recommends disposable mask , since they are relatively permeable to air. If you want to use a re-usable mask, you should choose a light and thin fabric. The first sports article manufacturers have, in the meantime, re-usable sports masks in your range. (Also interesting: Calisthenics: build muscle without gym)

FFP-masks with a breathing valve, you should wear it to the Sport not: they offer a high protection from contagion , hinder enormously the breathing but. It is advantageous, moreover, if one inserts two or more masks for the Training, especially if you are prone to heavy sweating: It is important that the Mouth guard be replaced when it has become moist, because otherwise it is a breeding ground for germs and you may be sick of it.

sports in the group of generous, keep your distance

For endurance sports , in turn, offers to move him to the outside and to refrain from there and then a Mouth guard. “Endurance sports and mask do not fit together,” says Froböse. He advises, therefore, to make cardio training prefer to be out in the fresh air as in the Studio. “The risk of contagion outside is much lower than in an interior,” he says. “A lot of Studios have meanwhile become used to the fact and offer programs for Training in the fresh air.”

also Important are basic hygiene rules: Rather individually than in a large group to train, in a busy Parks to avoid, and enough distance to keep, if you train together with several people. The usual 1.5 meters minimum are not enough then. This is because the air is swirled to for a Run, or wheel – the faster you go, the further the turbulence is enough. This is critical because it takes a longer time until the eventual Corona-virus fall to the ground, which can be included in the respiratory air.

that’s Why physicists at the universities of Leuven and Eindhoven is recommended to keep the Run at least ten meters distance, at high speeds or on the bike even 20 meters. When you Go to four to five metres is considered sufficient. Therefore, it is not to drift behind the other sports, but to train with a distance next to each other, if several people do sports together. (Also read: Crossfit, HIIT, or Running, The large GQ-Fitness-Guide)

This article was authored by (Maria Berentzen)

*The contribution of “Training mask Sport mouth protection is useful?” published by GQ. Contact with the executives here.