in Addition to the planned closure of dozens of branches of the Department store chain Galeria, Karstadt and Kaufhof are also supposed to make 20 of the 30 branch offices of the subsidiary Karstadt Sports tight. The German press Agency learned on Saturday. The negotiations had lasted until the early Morning, it said. Previously, the “Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger had reported” about it.

According to information of the newspaper is to be closed, among other things, the locations in Cologne, Düsseldorf, Dortmund, Essen, Hamburg and Munich, as well as the headquarters of Karstadt Sports in Essen. The “mirror” reported that the sites in Wiesbaden, Frankfurt am Main, Kiel, Hanau, Germany, Rosenheim, and Norderstedt are affected. The business lines of the branches had been informed in the afternoon.

in Total, will be 700 jobs affected. A complete list of what branches are to be made tight, was not the dpa first.

62 Karstadt-Kaufhof-make branches densely

The ailing house, the group had announced on the day prior to the closing of 62 of its 172 houses. According to the Council, a total of 5317 employees will lose their work. The group currently has 28 000 Employees. Originally, the Board had to make even up to 80 stores close.

The management Board of Galeria, Karstadt, Kaufhof had referred to the measures on Friday as inevitable. “We know what this means for the affected employees. But this step is without Alternative, because these stores threaten the total existence of the company,” said the General Manager Arndt Geiwitz.

in the light of the announced closures, municipalities and policy, warn of extinction of the inner cities. “The affected communities must work together with the trade and the property owners strategies for the future”, said the managing Director of the cities and municipalities, Gerd Landsberg, the “Passauer Neue Presse” (Saturday). A Central role of the real estate owners.

landlord wants to carry on conversations

The centre Manager, ECE as a major landlord announced further talks. “As long as nothing is yet definitively decided, let’s try to negotiate further with Karstadt, Kaufhof and to fight for the locations,” said Steffen Eric Friedlein, managing Director leasing of ECE, on Saturday in Hamburg. 12 of 172 of the group’s sites are located – often for decades – in several of the ECE-operated Shopping centers and affected a large part of the closure plans.

“We have conveyed in recent weeks, with a lot of commitment and dedication between Galeria, Karstadt, Kaufhof and the owners of our club, and a very far-reaching solution offers developed in order to site closure to avoid in our centers and to get the jobs in the stores,” said Friedlein.

The Greens demanded that the Federal government should purchase “on-site”coupons to introduce, in order to support the bricks and mortar retail, as well as local services and gastronomy. “Inner cities and towns are not allowed to die out. The Federal government must extend, therefore, the Bridging loans urgently about August,” said the economic policy spokesperson of the Greens in the Bundestag, Katharina Dröge.

“50.000 retailer before the Bankruptcy,”

Landsberg of the “Passauer Neue Presse”, Galeria, Karstadt, Kaufhof said to stand as a representative for the crisis in many brick and mortar retailers, which had been exacerbated by the Corona pandemic. “According to estimates by trade experts 50 000 individual traders are facing Bankruptcy.” In the editorial network Germany (RND/Saturday), he said, the Corona pandemic, but also an opportunity: “we need to be able to develop new business models – for example, community concepts between trade, gastronomy, culture and office uses.” Further closures would need to be prevented.

Living in inner cities could be attractive, especially because of the Trends to the home office less office space would be needed. “The aim must be to counter the threat of Bleeding out of our inner cities active,” says Landsberg. For this purpose, municipalities, companies, insolvency practitioners and property owners would have to sit at one table. “Then it is”: With horror, organizer reports of images from Berlin, FOCUS Online “Then it is”: With horror, organizer reports of pictures from Berlin
