the Israel had defeated Corona, almost, now second wave

rolls Due to a significant increase in new infections Israel’s Ministry of health has instructed hospitals in the country to open their Corona-the departments again. A spokesman for the Ministry confirmed on Sunday, a corresponding letter had been sent to the clinics.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Sunday, in a meeting with the heads of various ministries and experts, he heard several scenarios about the other pandemic in history, all of them grim. “If our behavior does not change immediately with respect to the mask duty and clearance rules, we are bringing down on us against our will a new blocking measures.” On Monday he wanted to gather the Corona-Cabinet to advise on possible steps to curb the pandemic. Also in the Palestinian territories was recorded in the past few days, a rise in new infections.

In a Saturday report by the Israeli army and secret service was strongly against a second Corona wave been warned. Without rapid containment measures, the country must expect that the number of new infections will increase within one month to more than 1000 a day. Then also, hundreds of dead were feared. Gil Cohen stomach/XinHua/Reuters

We watch The Professor Sigal Sadetzki, a high-ranking representative of the Ministry of health, said the arms station on Sunday: “an alarming and continuing increase in infections.” They wanted to stir up fear, but to the Public, to tell the truth. “The possibilities of the health system are limited.”

Israel had reacted to the beginning of the Corona-shaft very quickly with rigorous measures, the pandemic was in the small Mediterranean country, first of all, relatively harmless. In may step were made for its way loose. Since the end of may, the number of new infections has increased steadily. The Finance Ministry is, however, out of fear of further economic damage against the imposition of new measures.

According to the Ministry of health, the causative agent of Sars-CoV-2 has been demonstrated previously on 20.686 people in Israel, 305 died.

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