Slowly, life is returning to Germany – shops, cafes and Restaurants open again. Only day-care centres and schools will remain for many of the children still closed. Fatal for social justice, say critics.

the Ministers of culture of the countries felt that way. Searches of the “mirror” to show that at the conference of education Ministers on 12. March unusual Consensus: schools should always remain open in individual cases, closures are possible.

in parallel instead of find Minister conference of German Chancellor Angela Merkel and the Minister presidents of the Länder, however, came to a contrary result, even if a majority was also initially against school closures. The reversal was, according to the “mirror”, is a 13-year-old Paper, which also present the chief virologist of the Berlin Charité Christian Drosten presented.

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13-year-old Paper caused a rethink at the Top virologist Drosten

The free on the Internet, accessible paper would have been a short previously sent in front of a colleague from the course: it deals with an analysis of data on the Spanish flu from 1918 to 1919 in 43 American cities. Conclusion the study of the Drosten also in his NDR Podcast reported: A combination of several measures would be extremely useful. “The event stop school closures in combination are extremely efficient, especially if it lasts more than four weeks. And then, the sooner the better.” The colleague had spoken of the students as an “Infectious bridge” between individual age groups – a risk that Drosten very seriously.

This view, however, it came very suddenly. Drosten was initially, also as a proponent of more open schools. On the day before he was closing according to the level on school closings said: “This brings so much.”

After the turn of the Drosten returns: “I was gobsmacked”

At the conference, then the turn. NRW Minister Armin Laschet is said to have asked, according to the “mirror” directly: “Mr. Drosten, yesterday you argued against school closures.” The virologist replied in the affirmative – reasoned but his new assessment with the Paper. “I was flabbergasted. One of the main actors against the school closures was suddenly of a different opinion”, should be one of the Prime Minister to say today about it.

Many countries were, according to the “mirror” still cautious. However, at the Insistence of the Minister-President of Bavaria, Markus Söder and Drostens calls they came in line of reasoning to blame. “All of a sudden no longer had to justify those who wanted to, but the one that were against it,” described a participant in the news portal. The result: the school closures in all of the länder.

Drosten explained today that he had only recommended to observe the current situation and, if necessary, of regional school closings to decide.

Today, it is also clear that the comparison with the Spanish flu is only caused by the Coronavirus applicable. Because children seem to be less susceptible than adults. But still, it is unclear what role they can actually play in a spread.

How dangerous are children in the Corona-proliferation?

a study by Christian Drosten caused a stir. Just in time for the debate about a possible way out of the Lockdown at the end of April, published by the virologist, and his colleagues, a “flash study”, as he says himself. In the study, other scientists had criticized, because the methods used for the statistical analysis, were not suitable for complete.

Then revised the Charité researchers your analysis, acknowledged that the statistical methods were coarse, and published at the beginning of June a second version . , The key finding, however, remained the same: There is no evidence to suggest that children in respect of Sars-CoV-2 are not as contagious as adults.

“not proof of an Anti-Thesis was summed up in the policy quickly to the Thesis”, the “mirror”. Also the fear of children as infection bridges remained stubborn and had far-reaching consequences for many children who do not go to school.

read also: “picture”attack on the Drosten: The story of a scandal that is none

a New study from Stuttgart, Germany

New insights has now delivered a study from Baden-Württemberg: a children’s plug in, it’s not rare with the Coronavirus as their parents. You are therefore not as a driver of the infection wave , said Klaus-Michael Debatin, Medical Director of the children’s hospital at the University hospital of Ulm, on the outcome of the investigation, on Tuesday (16. June) was presented in Stuttgart.

However, the question of how infectious are children, continue to be open. You’ve examined with the study of non-specifically, such as infectious children , explains Hans-Georg Kräusslich, Chairman of the centre for infectious diseases at Heidelberg University hospital. the We could in the case of the positive tested child-parent pairs make no General statement about who has whom connected.

  • you can read here: Corona and children: What is the Baden-Württemberg study says – and what Drosten says?

schools re-open: That is the position in the individual länder

BADEN-WÜRTTEMBERG: All students should receive at least temporarily back in the classroom.

BAYERN: for the last student in the free state, there are again face to face teaching in the schools.

BERLIN: All of the students currently have classes, but only partially in the school. After the end of the summer holidays (last day 7. August) should return the schools to a normal operation.

the state of BRANDENBURG: day-care centres have opened again for all of the children, the schools are on holiday after the end of the summer on 10. August return to regular operation. In schools and day-care centres, the General minimum distance, then falls away, only not between teachers. For hygiene rules, such as the hands must be complied with wash.

BREMEN: day-care centres have opened operations in the city of Bremen in the restricted rule, this will apply from Monday for elementary schools.

HAMBURG: All students at least once per week teaching in the school.

HESSE: The teaching in schools has started to step way back. In the elementary schools of the normal classroom teaching starts on Monday again.

MECKLENBURG-VORPOMMERN: The students are to return already in the schools. Day-care centres are open again for all children. After the end of the summer holidays at the beginning of August there is to be a reliable and daily lessons for all students. The after-School care is to offer in the summer holidays is a regular holiday care of for six hours a day per child.

lower Saxony: All year groups have classes in schools.

North RHINE-WESTPHALIA: students receive daily classroom instruction, all elementary school students must attend school every day.

RHEINLAND-PFALZ: The lesson has started gradually again, all students should go to the middle of June, at least temporarily, back to school.

SAARLAND: In the course of June, all pupils should return at least temporarily back to the school. K

SAXONY: Saxony, day-care centres and primary schools can open in the restricted control operation for all the children. Students in secondary schools should at least partly be taught again in the schools.

SAXONY-ANHALT: schools return to a regular operation. Elementary school students daily, in secondary schools, there are exchange models of classroom teaching and distance learning. Students may also be generally applicable to corona-related minimum distance teaching.

SCHLESWIG-HOLSTEIN: For several generations, the teaching has already started. All elementary school students be taught daily in the classroom. As a rule, in all schools after the summer holidays, with the new school year will be held on 10 operating. August re-start.

THÜRINGEN: elementary schools open to all children daily. In secondary schools the teaching can be carried out, alternating between classroom and distance learning.

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