hundreds of Tests were tested six members of the advance team in a positive way and immediately in quarantine was sent, said the head of communications for the re-election campaign of US President, Tim Murtaugh. None of the positively tested employee “or someone who was in direct contact with them,” will participate in the event.

The appearance Trumps (19.00 PM local time, Sunday 02: 00 CEST) in front of tens of thousands of supporters in a hall for a number of reasons controversial: The health authorities fear a large number of new Coronavirus infection, if so many people come together in Tulsa was nearly 100 years ago the site of the worst massacre of Blacks in the recent American history.

A white Mob killed there in the year of 1921, according to estimates, up to 300 African-Americans. Around Trumps-election protests of counter-protesters are expected. The mayor has imposed a nighttime curfew for parts of the city. Head of the crisis unit, describes a night-and-fog action in the case of Tönnies: “trust zero” FOCUS Online/Wochit head of the crisis unit of the night portrays-and-fog action in the case of Tönnies: “trust zero”
