nationwide were corona due to closed schools. Instrumental: A change of view of the virologist Christian Drosten – with serious consequences.

Due to Corona* were closed in the whole of Germany the schools. Responsible for an opinion was a reversal of Christian Drosten*. The decision had serious consequences. Here you will find the basic facts to the Coronavirus, and the Corona-News from Germany. We also offer them in a map, the current case numbers in Germany.

Corona were closed in the whole of Germany, the schools – this decision is still controversial. Long as you wanted to avoid the school closures, finally it came so far. It is also the opinion of virologist Christian Drosten played an important role – and the suddenly changed, as the mirror reported now.

Coronavirus: school closures? Unusual, there is Consensus among Ministers of education conference

life is returning gradually, shops, cafes and Restaurants are allowed to open it again, only kindergartens and schools will remain for many of the children are closed. A fatal Signal for social justice. The Ministers of culture of the country saw so. As research the mirror, there was the case of the KMK am 12. March of the unusual Agreement, according to which schools should remain open, in individual cases, closures are possible.

a majority in the Ministerial conference of the German Chancellor Angela Merkel with the Prime Minister, however, decided differently – although initially also against school closures. For the shift in Opinion: responsible: virologist Christian Drosten. He las on the evening of the 11. March an article that was already published in 2007. This is an analysis of data on the Spanish flu in 43 American cities. The Text was forwarded to the virologists of an American colleague, as the mirror reported on.

Coronavirus: school closures? Drosten The first “so much”

on the lunch Drosten had on school closings said: “not so much”. He was of the view that would shift the risk of Infection* only, for example, if the kids in the neighbourhood played together. In addition, parents could go to work. “We need to make other things, which do no great harm in the organization of the company or in the economic life,” said the virologist at the time.

23 hours later, the next episode of the NDR-Podcasts online reports went, in the Drosten since the beginning of the pandemic on its findings. There he reported the “very valuable scientific article”. “The consequence of the Papers is: It benefits a lot, to combine two or more measures. Event stop school closures in combinations are extremely efficient, especially if it lasts more than four weeks. And then the sooner, the better,“ says Drosten.

Coronavirus: 13-year-old article changes Drostens opinion on school closures

The virologist Drosten seemed to be well for school closures, as the mirror reported on. Kindergartens and younger primary school students, he took in the Podcast, first of all, to establish without the virologically. He was concerned that could work for parents of small children do not care. A 13-year-old paper is so obviously the turning point for education in Germany closing include directed serious consequences .

Drosten stand rated new insights to his former knowledge, and shared his insights as one of the most important Advisor to the Federal government immediately. Today, however, it is clear how limited the study is on the current pandemic transferable. This is because, unlike in the case of the Spanish flu, children seem to be less susceptible to the novel Coronavirus as adults.

school closures/Coronavirus: Laschet virologist Christian Drosten

Drosten made it clear that he had always noted that the Situation in 1918 was quite different. However, his swing-influenced the decision to school with a Deposit probably significantly.

After Drosten had read the article on Wednesday, he was invited Thursday to the foreign Ministry, as the mirror reported. There met Chancellor Merkel (which is addressed under the re of U.S. President Donald Trump, due to the German defense spending) with the Prime Minister and Drosten said his new findings. the Armin Laschet addressed directly to ask a question of the virologists: “Mr. Drosten, yesterday you argued against school closures.” Drosten said Yes and explained what he had sent to the colleague from the America.

Coronavirus: Drosten opinion of a school changes closures: “I was gobsmacked”

“I was flabbergasted”, says one of the Prime Minister today, “the main actor against school closures was suddenly of a different opinion.” The reasoning of those concerns had against a Shutdown of the schools, has suddenly lapsed. Drosten said in the interview that children are a infection bridges , and stressed that schools have a special function in social networks. This subject, believes a participant, had held until today, in the Chancellery, says the mirror report. Drosten says himself today that he had recommended to observe the Situation and to decide if necessary, on regional closures.

Coronavirus: school closures: Drosten changes opinion, Söder is of the essence

Some provinces were according to the mirror restrained with locking, Bavaria’s Prime Minister Markus Söder made against that pressure. Bavaria was particularly affected by the crisis. By Söders Pushing and Drostens statements created a momentum that was no longer stop, told participants. “All of a sudden no longer had to justify those who wanted to, but the one that were against it”, as it described one of the participants, according to the mirror. At the end of the Prime Minister were thoughtful and unsettled. Laschet said thus: He was not convinced completely, but if that were all, what else to stay him, then left.

On Easter Monday – the schools were closed for about four weeks – warned researchers of the national Academy Leopoldina, that could strengthen the social injustice due to closed schools and nurseries. They recommended a speedy Opening. However, against the schemes of the policy at the same time, reservations – which also had to do with new findings, Drosten, as the mirror reported.

Coronavirus: school closures? Drosten, with “lightning bolt action”

On 30. April wanted to discuss the Chancellor with the Prime Minister, after some six weeks on a way out of the Lockdown . In the days before Drosten made a “lightning action,” as he called it himself. A “rough, quickly-made study”. The study came to the result that children with mild symptoms have a high viral load. However, it is controversial that the viral load says at all, how contagious a Person is. Children could be just as infectious as adults, however, Drostens conclusion in a sentence. The mirror described the sentence as a source of misunderstandings.

A’s Prime Minister, said, therefore, during a video conference , it was the persistent Thesis of the dangerousness of the children that have hampered a rapid re-opening of the schools. Country heads like Tschentscher asked on a Switch in April, even “if we are still with the right These on-the-go” – it was barely heard.

Drosten itself changed in the meantime, his recommendations for nurseries and schools: “it is Quite clear that we need to open, and half you can not open them. Even if we still don’t know exactly how contagious children are,” said the virologist in a mirror-conversation. On Twitter and in his Podcast, but he also emphasizes the role of young people in the virus spread, how the mirror reported.

* is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network.