Hubert Aiwanger dashes in the Corona-crisis re: Free-voters-Chef wants a Oktoberfest-a substitute in Munich. Markus Söder warns against recklessness.

On Friday (19. June) announced two new Coronavirus -outbreaks in Bavaria, In Augsburg and in the upper Bavarian Lengdorf. The Bavarian state government, meanwhile, is Corona-protection measures continue to loosen. Minister Hubert Aiwanger’t even think about a replacement for the Oktoberfest to Theresienwiese and dashes again into the state government*. Here you will find the basic facts to the Coronavirus* and the Corona-News from Germany. We also offer them in a card for the current case* the numbers in Bavaria.* Currently there are the following recommendations to the Corona-protection measures*.

Update 14: 45 PM : In Bavaria have been tested according to the latest information so far 47.831 people positive for the Coronavirus Sars-CoV-2 . Died 2562 people who were infected with the pathogen. The state office for health and food safety in Erlangen, Germany on Sunday (10 a.m.) announced on its website. The estimated number of who had been cured was therefore 44.550 people.

Update 21. June, 10.05 PM: , The Bavarian state government raises from this Monday (22. June), the Mask requirement in the case of services. As on Monday, coming into force regulation provides for the believers only when they Enter and of the churches, Leaving a mouth-nose protection.

The churches must, however, ensure that the Singing of the worship participants for restraint – the aerosol emissions when Singing, remain a risk factor, said Herrmann to the epd. A specific state regulation, it does not give, however, the recommendation was that “no large Singing” and “with caution and prudence,” will acts. In particular, the need to the Church local community rules, which are now more responsible adults.

Corona survived? Söder shares emotional video message – Aiwanger want to Oktoberfest-replacement

10.27 PM: Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) warns of a stronger spread of the Coronavirus in Germany. “We’re really goddamn lucky,” he said on Saturday on Twitter popular video message . “I believe that we have saved Thousands of lives by the actions we have taken.”

Now it is necessary to preserve the “treasure of a low number of infections,” said Söder. But there are cases “where it creeps back again”. In view of the cases in North Rhine-Westphalia or Berlin a sense of, “we need to be very careful”. Corona was not over. “This is like a spark that can trigger in a Bush, a corresponding large fire.”

Update 20. June, 8.30 PM: 1.008.475 Tests to Coronavirus Sars-CoV-2 have been in Bayern performed. “In the meantime we can make more than 21,000 Tests per day,” said health Minister Melanie Huml (CSU) in Munich on Saturday.

The throat swab tests (PCR Tests) would be analyzed by the state office for health and food safety, as well as more than 50 private laboratories. The large test capacity is important in order to curb chain of Infection to break through, and the spread of the Virus.

New Corona outbreak in Augsburg – Aiwanger dashes before and want to, Oktoberfest is a replacement to the Theresienwiese-in

origin article 19. June:

Munich – Two new outbreaks in Bavaria and also in the case of Tönnies in NRW* underline: The Coronavirus-risk is banned in spite of a low Infections also in June at all. So there is a new Hotspot in the upper Bavarian Lengdorf (district of Erding): Here is a “Superspreaderin” from Swiss francs to be responsible, that eleven members of a large family* have been infected.

Also reported Augsburg a new outbreak. Here, too, it came within a family to a larger number of infections, reports the Augsburger Allgemeine. As in Lengdorf strong> Corona-cluster so far, eleven new cases are also in Augsburg, within the <known. The contact persons of the family are currently in home quarantine.

Coronavirus in Bavaria: Aiwanger thinks aloud about the Oktoberfest-replacement on Theresienwiese after

Despite this, new outbreaks of Bavaria, economy Minister Hubert Aiwanger (Free voters) to think about an Alternative to the cancellation of this year’s Oktoberfest. He can think of the Oktoberfest-replacement with beer gardens on the Theresienwiese. “This is not rocket science,” claimed Aiwanger to the evening Newspapers, with a view to necessary approvals. “For beer gardens, there is no size limit.” He himself would support such a permission.

beer garden-farms are now allowed again, and ran “experience has shown that extremely well,” said Aiwanger more. “Then folk festival without a tent, bar and crowd, a beer garden with the background music.” This is for many, perhaps even pleasant. A large crowd at the Theresienwiese could prevent with a cordoned-off area with access limitation: “So this is currently already practised reality in the beer gardens.” It Aiwangers is not the first foray in the matter of replacement of the Oktoberfest.

Corona-the crisis in the free state of Bavaria: Legal setback for Söder lock – out hours-as a rule, tilted

In the matter of beer garden, it began on a Friday is also a legal setback for the Bavarian state government. The administrative court has tilted the current curfew: from 22 h for Bavaria’s gastronomy – it is not “in conformity with the law”. The Senate justified its decision by the fact that the Opening in the catering business since 29. Not to mention may, so far, a significant increase in infection numbers, with the Corona Virus have led.

Therefore, the timing of the operation restriction proves to be disproportionate. On Tuesday, the Bavarian Cabinet had decided in favour of the curfew as of next Monday 23 at raise. Minister Aiwanger accepted the verdict.

Coronavirus and the churches: the Bavarian state government loosens the mask of duty

According to information from the Münchner Merkur, it should also be loosening of the Corona-rules in the churches. As of Monday, the state government will loosen the Mask requirement in the case of worship services.* Then the faithful only when Entering or in the Church building Leave a mouth-nose protection wear. Also, the restriction of worship to 60 minutes, will be repealed. Restraint should only continue during the Singing of Church songs.


* is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network