in mid-April 1981, Hermann and Gisela Göhler, and the SED were the mayor of Great Daberkow very close to each other. In Göhlers Moskvich, the Trio from the village went to eight kilometers away, the town of Strasburg. In the DDR-municipal administration, a formality was in order. The house of the Göhlers should be transferred to the municipality. Therefore, the mayor had to be there.

The Göhlers had years of struggle and repression behind. In 1977, the couple had applied for an exit visa to the West. Soon, it should finally be so far, and it had to be some things done – so the question of what happens to your house.

“As a blackmail,”

It was a short drive through the southern tip of the Mecklenburg lake district. But what happened on the road, not Hermann Göhler, forgotten until today. The SED mayor have explained to you that you will personally own the house in the future and not the community as usual. If that doesn’t fit in the family, it could stay in the GDR, said the mayor, according to Göhler. “It was like a blackmail,” says Göhler today.

The mayor of that time, who was in the wrong state of the GDR, apparently with questionable methods, sits today in the Supreme court of the state of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. 15. May, Barbara Borchardt, 64, was appointed by the state Parliament in Schwerin of the country’s constitutional court. Borchardt, who joined in 1976, the SED, and after reunification, to the Left in the state Parliament of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, sat, is now speaking on behalf of the people and to check whether regulations and laws with the state Constitution are the same.

Kramp-Karrenbauer was, according to Borchardt choice indignant

doubt as to Borchardt technical Suitability, as well as their attitude to democracy and wrong, there are some. The graduate, the lawyer, adding, the fates of the victims of the wall – it had, of course, died a Ranger, let you know. She is committed to the protection of the Constitution observed fighting force, “the anti-capitalist Left”.

The CDU Chairman Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer was indignant after Borchardt election with the votes of the SPD and the CDU. It was “understandable” that “does not care enough about the Suitability of was spoken”. Borchardt role in the Takeover of the house in Groß Daberkow and its sale at the turn of the autumn of 1989, in the municipality of awaken now in doubt as to their integrity.

Göhlers enemies of the state

were motivated by The allegations, Hermann Göhler charges today against Barbara Borchardt, personally. Perhaps even politically. Göhler lives in the Frisian Varel. He became involved in the case of the CDU, he is now in the AfD.

the FOCUS has included research in Borchardt’s former place of residence Groß Daberkow to contact Göhler – not Vice versa. Its current political setting is irrelevant for the behavior of the new constitutional judge. Göhlers descriptions are Daberkowern of Large-and today’s management of employees in the Amt Woldegk to the site, supported.

The Göhlers moved, in 1972, in the small house in the village road 11 in Great Daberkow, near Neubrandenburg. Like in the socialism usual, the vet made the “DDR Room”, as he calls you today, in your own afloat. New Windows, Central heating, sanitary equipment – built if there was Material, Göhler, with friends and Relatives. It was a home soon. “We were very interested,” he recalls.

in 1979, Borchardt, mayor of Groß Daberkow. Göhler was at this time as a veterinarian in a sought-after man in the structurally weak Region. He and his family were considered but due to the two years prior to departure request, as enemies of the state. At the time, the deeply religious Christians saw in the socialist dictatorship is no perspective for themselves and their two children. In a Letter to the couple Göhler of the Board of education does not share in 1980, the admission of children to the Extended secondary school (EOS) is not possible. The accuracy of the missing achievements in the classroom were not. There is a lack of “social activity” in school and in youth organisations. The letter ends with “socialist greetings”.

Barbara Borchardt took over the house of Göhlers after their departure, “is even according to East German standards unusual,” says Sven Reimann. The lawyer is currently a Senior administrative officer in the office of Woldegk. Usual was it that houses and land of departure, which went either to the Agricultural production cooperative (LPG) or the municipality, as in the case of family Göhler originally intended.

the Appropriate Transfers have found Reimann and his staff in the records again and again. That a property but transferred within two days to a single person, came to him in the files yet never. An older employee of the administration is surprised. Both have only one explanation: Brigitte Borchardt had the best relations with the Council of the circle.

The parish paid later 18 000 Mark

The Transfer of right of access to documents as a perfect administrative act. So Borchardt provides husband at the time of Hartmut, on behalf of the family at 12. April 1981 the Council of the district of the request for Acquisition of the house. A day later, a request from Gisela Göhlers on Transfer of the house to Borchardt followed. Exactly Hermann Göhler can’t remember if you wrote it yourself or whether the document was submitted for signature. In his Stasi file, the application can be found in a slightly altered Form. The municipality is deleted as the recipient of the property by, Borchardt hand-written supplements. 14. April, not 48 hours after the first application, certified by the then Chairman of the Council of the circle of the process with immediate effect.

“Not to understand, that is not enough information on the Suitability of the candidate has been spoken,” Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer

Barbara Borchardt, who asked in a recent Interview, why with Live money earned had to be sent to the Göhlers shortly before the time of departure, a for DDR-standards extremely high bill. Even though they had until the beginning of April, the house should give the people wanting to leave spouses is still a good 500 Mark – allegedly for loans that you’ve taken. “In the case of the Transfer of the property of any own services of the family Göhler were accepted”, – said in the Letter. In order not to jeopardize the corridor to the West, paid by the couple.

eight years later, shortly before the collapse of the GDR, sold Borchardt the house. In the municipality, of the time as the Board of Directors. In the Council meeting on 20. September 1989, took part Borchardt, mayor and buyer.

in 1991 as a judge

rejected The decision on sale was accepted, according to the minutes of the meeting unanimously. Borchardt provided so that your community paid her the 18 000 Mark. To not is “also the times of the GDR it have a rule that you take as mayor or Council member to vote in his own case,” stresses lawyer Reimann.

About everything that happened between 1981 and 1989 in Groß Daberkow, would have spoken in FOCUS with Barbara Borchardt. How could it come to the house to transfer in record time? It has exploited the plight of the Göhlers? However, the submitted written questions leaving Borchardt to the editorial deadline unanswered.

After the successful house sale Barbara Borchardt left Groß Daberkow and had a Plan: she wanted to be a volunteer judge and ran. 28. In January of 1991, decided by the municipal Council, however, the election Committee of the district office to report any opposition to the former mayor. Nearly three decades later, the members of the SPD, the CDU and the left party had in the Schwerin state Parliament seems to be less concerns. Merkel is the AfD in the Bundestag with the one-liners emergence and garners loud applause, FOCUS Online/Wochit In the Bundestag: Merkel is the AfD in the Bundestag with the one-liners emergence and garners applause
