When Kaïs Saïed treads the French soil, this will be his third trip abroad since his election on 13 October last year, 73% of the vote in the second round. He went to Oman, on January 11, for the funeral of sultan Qaboos came to power, and then he booked his first official trip to Algiers as it is tradition for the new president of the Republic of Tunisia. The format adopted for this visit to Paris, at the invitation of Emmanuel Macron, is in line with the health crisis. Sober. A sobriety that fits Kaïs Saïed. The man has conducted his campaign with ten thousand euros, and manifest little taste for pomp and blare that inflate the ego. Nevertheless, his program, 24 hours, watch in hand, includes an interview with Emmanuel Macron, a press joint and a formal dinner. The next day, he will do a hook to the Institute of the arab world. Among his predecessors, some have been more intensive applications. So Beji Caid Essebsi.

also Read Tunisia – Kaïs Saïed : the key to a visit to Paris

François Hollande welcomes the president of tunisia Beji Caid Essebsi on his arrival at the Elysée palace, on the 14th of November 2015 in Paris. © STEPHANE DE SAKUTIN / AFP

2015 : ECB alias “Still more”

The 7 and 8 April 2015, three months after his election, Beji Caid Essebsi receives the invitation of François Hollande. The age of the captain, 88 years old, does not diminish the appetite for the meals official. One of the maneuvers of the protocol scolded behind the scenes : “He always wants more, he wants to receive all the honors in 48 hours. If one were to accept all, it dates back to the Champs-Élysées with president Hollande. “The program will be of size : speech before the Senate, have lunch at Matignon, Jean-Pierre Raffarin, visiting the Paris city Hall, interview with Gérard Larcher, president of the Senate, detour by the Sorbonne where he was made doctor honoris causa… on The side of the Élysée, three parts : a morning with the French president, who receives it, a noteworthy fact, to the Disabled, a joint press conference and an official dinner. The tuxedo is output. Like any president in the move, he goes to the meeting of the tunisian community living in France. Beji Caid Essebsi was not wearing his predecessor in his heart. Moncef Marzouki. The style, the substance, the policy choices : all opposed. During the presidential election campaign in the fall of 2014, the team of ECB saw him elected in the first round against the ” rights of the hommistes Marzouki “. A second was necessary. An official trip to Paris, it is also a way to score points internally, to demonstrate that it has obtained a friend, ally and partner to the maximum of recognition. We scored more points than its predecessor. Between Hollande and ECB, the current passes.

The sentence : “We call for the establishment of a permanent framework for discussion with our partners, to the establishment of a foundation to promote vertical Europe-Mediterranean-Africa” Speech given in the Senate.

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2012 : Marzouki or the first visit since the revolution

He was not in blackface for the occasion. It has kept its style, without a tie. To him, the opponent of the Ben Ali regime, arrives in a France official who, from Mitterrand to Chirac, passing by Sarkozy, has supported the dictatorship. Jacques Chirac decided in 2003 to Tunis ” the “phrase that decimated the hopes of the opponents :” The first of human rights, it is to eat, be cared for, receive an education and to have a habitat. From this point of view, it must be recognized that Tunisia is very advanced in many countries. “Ben Ali appreciated. The path well marked by the protocol is respected. France had missed the arab revolutions of 2011, she had to catch up. The side of the garden elysian, interview with François Hollande, joint press conference and official dinner. To which will be added to the “bilateral” with the minister of the Interior, the mayor of Paris, a native of Bizerte (he spent the first fourteen years of his life), Bertrand Delanoë, the president of the national Assembly Claude Bartolone, and then Jean-Pierre Bel, his counterpart in the Senate, in which he said, ” thank you for the confidence you give us and that you we give you “. Faithful to his convictions, he will add an appointment with the president of the Federation of human rights. Climax, a speech delivered before the deputies of the national Assembly. Contract fulfilled : the homeland of 1989 adoube the young democracy, to forget the years Ben Ali, Marzouki takes note of it. Holland will make three times in Tunisia.

Moncef Marzouki. © FETHI BELAID / AFPLa sentence : “Clouded by the immediate interests, a fraction of France officially supported the dictatorship that has oppressed, but the major part, the essential part of the France, the France of local elected officials, political parties and trade unions, civil society organizations, the France of the media […], France that has given me asylum, and for many Tunisians, this France that we love and respect, this France-there has never been lacking. “Speech to the national Assembly.

Read also #Tunisia : “It was better under Ben Ali ! “

as Soon as it took power in 1988 until the last hours before his fall, president Ben Ali, has received at various times of the indulgence of the French political class. © MICHEL CLEMENT / AFP

1988 : honeymoon with Ben Ali

The Ben Ali vintage 88 is not one that will prevail three years later. He deposed Habib Bourguiba, named president-for-life on November 7, 1987 via a coup d’état medical completed smoothly. A plethora of physicians have been summoned to sign a document attesting to the senility of the father of independence. A wind of hope is blowing in Tunisia, it is believed word for the new rais, who wants to modernize his country, speaks of establishing the multi-party system. In the end, the RCD will become the single party. The last years of the reign of Bourguiba who have been economically, democratically and socially difficult, Paris hopes a new impetus. And the France of Mitterrand, good girl, greets the general with the splendour of use. Jacques Chirac will receive in 1997, using the official dinner to talk about the ” rights of man “. A very slight blow of the knife that cicatrisera quickly.

The sentence : “We have a vocation to the maghreb, arab-muslim and european, a Maghreb kingdom would be a useful for the EEC. “Interview with Auberi Edler for the 20 hours of France 2 shortly before his arrival in Paris.

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#Tunisia : “It was better under Ben Ali ! “France-Tunisia : small stories of visits to State Why the world is watching Tunisia Tunisia – Kaïs Saïed : the key to a visit to Paris