The riots in Stuttgart were in charge of the Federal government, but also in the Opposition for horror. Chancellor Merkel described the incidents as “disgusting”.

The rampage in Stuttgart* have taken care of in a cross-party outrage. German Chancellor Angela Merkel condemned the riots as “disgusting”. CDU-Secretary General Paul Ziemiak speaking of disturbing images, which will make him “stunned”. the Cem Özdemir (Green) pampt in front of a camera, a passer-by to

Update from 15.15 PM: The speeches of politicians to the riots in Stuttgart from Saturday to Sunday, not tear down. Some seem to even be under some emotional pressure. the Cem Özdemir (Green) burst during a Interviews with the world on the scene in front of the camera the collar. “Holding the face , please , I’m talking grade”, to pampte he is a passers-by.

riots in Stuttgart Cem Özdemir in front of the camera soggy

So is it seen on the recording: While Ozdemir is trying to depict the seriousness of the situation, calling a man in-between: “The police dictatorship is to blame.” Apparently, it is a street musicians , because he speaks of simple people, street musicians, would be punished with 200 euros. Özdemir reacts immediately and moves to the man, he should shut the fuck up. “Thank you. I’m talking grade. the We are here in Germany , “ says he. “Please shut the fuck up.”

As the man continues to speak, repeatedly Özdemir annoyed: “I’m talking about degrees.” – and then, with his obviously memorized set for the press to start over. After all, he has not forgotten the customs of courtesy: He said each Time, “please.”

initial message: riots in Stuttgart, draw huge response

Berlin/Stuttgart – The riots in Stuttgart on the night of Sunday have provoked in the Federal policy is a huge Echo. German Chancellor Angela Merkel has condemned the riots sharp. Government spokesman Steffen Seibert said in Berlin on Monday, the scenes were an ‘abomination’ and justify with nothing. They had been directed against the city and its citizens.

By going on the rampage in Stuttgart – government spokesman for the police thanked for use

Seibert thanked the police. The German government knew very well what the police officers did every day. The injured wish a speedy recovery to Seibert. To the riots in the night to Sunday were involved according to police, 400 to 500 people . the 24 people have been temporarily commissioned fixed . So far, of 19 injured police officers , and twelve demo is also profiled strip car. The resulting property damage may move in a first estimate that in the millions*. The escalation started after a check for a suspected drug offence.

+ Of a riot in Stuttgart, the resulting damage may be in the millions.©Reuters / Simon Adomat

Not only the German government under Merkel was of the riots entstetzt. The incidents caused a cross-party support for significant outrage . CDU General Secretary Paul Ziemiak (CDU), said the channels RTL and ntv on Monday, images of the events disturbed and made him “stunned, angry, too”. Violence against security and rescue forces is a General Problem. The offender would have to front court.

labour Minister healing referred to Stuttgart-rampage as “irrational violence”

Federal Minister of labour, Hubertus Heil (SPD), described the riots in image TV as the “crazy, irrational violence” . He expected that the authorities will “strike” “with the utmost severity” against such incidents action would be taken”. You are not likely to expand.

The Stuttgart-born-Green-politicians, Cem Özdemir warned that such processes could repeat . That it does not handle obviously extremist aspirations, was “not clear,” he said on Monday, in Südwestrundfunk. It was difficult, with people that are drunk or under the influence of drugs “as much as possible damage to want to do”. The events would deal with Stuttgart for a long time, he added.

In an Interview with the Münchner Merkur, Bavarian interior Minister Joachim Herrmann (CSU) expressed to the events in Stuttgart. “For me it is terrifying that it could come from a null and void Situation to such an escalation. To brutal attacks on police officers, to looting, to the blind destruction of shop Windows and other property. I find the inexplicable*,“ he said. The whole Interview can be read at*.

To Stuttgart-rampage: Seehofer taz wants to be a journalist, yaghoobi Farah show

Federal Minister of the interior, Horst Seehofer is not only because of the events in Stuttgart, outraged. Him in the taz published column of journalist Hengameh yaghoobi Farah in such a Rage, brought that he threatened the columnist with a display. In the article mused yaghoobi Farah on the abolition of the police and among police officers found to be unable to work. For his announcement, the journalist was used to view Seehofer criticized on Twitter, however, is strong – among others from the ranks of the Greens.

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* is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network.

section list image:©picture alliance/dpa / Christoph Schmidt