it All started with a “normal control”, reported the Stuttarter police Deputy spokesman Thomas Berger took visibly at the press conference on Sunday afternoon. It is the day after that, the city and the police are looking for explanations; explanations for violence and excess, compared with the use of forces, the so-far no-one has experienced.

As a COP on Saturday at 23.30 PM, a 17-year-old German citizen with white skin color because of a possible drug offence want to control, escalated in a matter of minutes, the location in the city centre. There are several Hundred “party-goers on hold at this time”. Immediately, the officials are attacked by 200 to 300 people, says Berger, the escalation. Finally, the group had grown to 400 to 500 people. “Prospects” in FOCUS Online

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balance after riots in Stuttgart: 24

took From this Moment on, the violence escalated: in the Form of property damage and looting, but mainly against the officials themselves. With rods and poles will be taken on the use of vehicles, the panes shattered. On passing strip rioters of large stones, and other objects to throw massive paving stones, which previously had to be ripped out of the ground, or from construction sites is stolen. Only with a massive reinforcement of police officers can bring the situation reasonably under control.

  • All of the developments for the Stuttgart riot night read here.

Particularly a scene of the riot the night of Stuttgart remains in your memory: it shows a kneeling police officer who pinned a man to the ground. Suddenly the rioters brought in rushes and jumps to the officials with a stretched leg in the page from the bystander, there is applause. “I’m since 30 years a police officer and have been through a lot, but I can tell you: this scene is not in Stuttgart yet,” says Berger of his experiences, speaks of “unprecedented violence against civil servants”.

At the end of 24 arrests, twelve persons have the German nationality. 19 officers were injured, a police officer so hard that he was unfit for service.

is a psychologist and Police use of the authorities as wisely

rating level-headed in the face of massive violence and the acute threat acted Stuttgart police amazing says Adolf Gallwitz. The police psychologist and former lecturer at the police Academy Baden-Württemberg in Villingen-Schwenningen from the officials in an interview with FOCUS Online is a good testimony for your “thought” police work that night.

“It would have been surprised if the police would have acted in this exceptional situation harder against the rioters. But for the perception of the police as a Whole, it is of course important that there should be level-headed response,“ says the police psychologist. Clearly must be, however, that crime and violence could not be tolerated in the future. The police presence will be reinforced after this incident in the coming weeks, in order for offenders to be to get a hold of, is Gallwitz convinced.

In Stuttgart is engaged, meanwhile, in order to process what happened. The scenes of unrestrained violence against the police officials after the act – also the state capital of Baden-württemberg and beyond. Such riots are an extreme burden on police officers be considered for their missions, too often, as the mechanical law enforcer, argues Gallwitz. “You will feel affected, if you get kicked or spat on. This is something very Human; fear play a role here.” In your service behavior should not be allowed to influence the officials, but, even if it is the case difficult.

A default, which has internalized the majority of the forces from the Saturday, apparently. Because instead of the massive violence against the police officer sticks with shock, or to respond to others, use of weapons, the officials prudently. Gallwitz was the result of the especially to the training of police officers in targeted stressful situations were recreated, and the experiences of past deployments. To stay in such a dynamic stress situations, calm, the police psychologist, was also the trust in colleagues is an important anchor. “All of these factors determine how police forces react under Stress.” New video from riot night: anarchists in Stuttgart for version of lack of FOCUS Online New Videos from riot night: anarchists in Stuttgart for bewilderment

head of the police Union esque complicity to Anti-police climate

This assessment, one also shares in the case of the German police Union (DPolG). Their chief, Rainer Wendt, told FOCUS Online that use of force for situations such as those in Stuttgart are well-formed. “Therefore, the police officers have responded to prior to the place is also so level-headed and nervous keep,” he concluded.

Wendt criticises the fact that the police had officers in the past few weeks in the societal debate about disproportionate police violence largely left alone felt. The violent death of the African-American George Floyd during a police operation on 25. May be raised in the United States, in Germany a discussion about illegal service actions and racism. While many politicians gave the officers the back cover, other suspected however, a structural Problem.

According to the DPolG-in-chief have built up in the course of which “a kind of Anti-police climate”. This had been by the reckless reporting of the SPD-Head of Saskia esque, in the case of the police there would be a “latent racism”, fired. In addition, legislation such as the anti-discrimination would help law in Berlin for the highly-charged atmosphere. Therefore, in the future, the accused police officers have to rebut allegations of Discrimination, tired of that, the accused must prove.

“forces are under pressure”

The national Chairman of the DPolG had made in the past few weeks, always strong, to see the side of the police officers and the increasing number of attacks on officials in the service are made aware of. In fact, at the end of may, and from the Federal criminal police office (BKA) has published Figures that violence against police officers in Germany has increased.

In the past year 36.126 cases police have registered addresses. The were around 3000 cases (+8.6 per cent) more than in the year 2018. Rainer Wendt, said: “Our forces are under pressure. We see that the violence against emergency responders is increasing every year. The criminal tightenings have changed nothing. In addition, the officials are under an extremely high workload. In addition to the normal crime-fighting, other things be added again and again – how current is the Corona of a crisis, or demonstration operations.“

Wendt appeals that we need to realise, what is the impact of “Anti-police sentiment in the country” have. “People feel legitimized against the use of force and faith, to stand on the right side. The policy I have now the task to make the society realize that the police is standing on the right side and not the people, the forces to attack.

  • The Live Ticker for the Corona-crisis – here, you can read all the developments

A first encouraging Signal to the effect to be expected according to Wendt, the conference of interior Ministers in the past week. In Thuringia came together a few days ago, the interior Ministers of the Federal States and had been closed behind the police in Germany. In an official statement it was said that the police is standing in the middle of the society, to be impartial and open to the world. In order for the trust to stay, need the police, however the support of people and institutions.

Wendt: riot police is almost never

set To FOCUS Online Wendt says that now everything had to be to protect forces better. The Federal States should in particular push ahead with its current Engagement, the staffing levels in the police, further. “This means that we must be even stronger forces present on the ground and de-escalation run,” said the Union boss and says: “where There is we occur with weak forces, it immediately the dispute. Stuttgart shows that the perpetrators of shy, with massive violence on a group basis to individual public servants to go.“ The world is better than your bad news – FOCUS Online provides you every Friday with the best stories from the field perspectives. Subscribe here for free Newsletter:

eye-witness reports from the beginning of the Stuttgart Chaos-night FOCUS Online eye-witness reports from the beginning of the Stuttgart Chaos-night cold air drops heat wave stops short in chess, but here are the 37 degrees to be cracked PCP cold air drops heat wave stops short in chess, but here are the 37 degree of be cracked