admission of limited and with mouth protection, books need to be in quarantine: In the library at the Münztor in Schongau, strict attention is paid to safety. Nevertheless, Corona seems to have to read fueled.

Schongau – “We have many new registrations have been surprising,” says the Schongauer library Director Kornelia Funke pleased. This suggests that in times of Corona-restrictions on a lot of the Reading pleasure for themselves have discovered.

special Trends there are in the borrowed books. Is read according to spark all over the place, from the home novel to the children’s book. However, the library has used the Münztor the closing time for the stock is around 20 000 media, again to many new releases will increase.

of Course, stringent safety measures also apply in the library: “We have to get from the Ministry of health, an extensive Journal, as we have to do,” says spark, and puts almost an inch thick stack of paper on the table, which is to be regarded, that he was accurately read. Finally, the need to inform all of the eight volunteers on the pads.

+ With this note, the library will be signs for visitors for the rules of hygiene awareness©Fröhlich

eye-a sign that asks the visitor, only with a basket and a protective mask and is a maximum-enter stands out already at the library entrance. In the case of families, an exception is made. As there may be more children. The baskets are counted. Exactly six piece – more readers or persons are not permitted in the library. The other must wait outside.

problems and has not given according to the spark yet. “All of them are very understanding,” she says. In the library-Inside the library customers with first stand in front of a Plexiglas wall by the kingdoms. Behind it, two employees at a respectful distance of course, to the loan and return as quickly as possible to handle. And you need behind the partition and no mouth-to-wear protection. However, rubber gloves are mandatory.

The returned books may be borrowed after the return only once for 24 hours in quarantine before they return. The especially sought-after new releases for disappointed faces of the customers. Games are currently not rented, because the cleaning would be much too time-consuming. “This media can not be checked out,” warns a sign at the quarantine table.

+ Also must be: The loan-baskets of the library are regularly disinfected.©Fröhlich

According to the storage time to be cleaned of the books with special resources and disinfected before they are put back in the shelves. Also, the baskets at the entrance to edit spark and your staff on a regular basis with a disinfectant spray. An attendance list will not be merged. In the case of emergency, the contacts on the basis of the loan could be tracked list. Of course, under the data protection.

A huge must put more effort so that the library Team just. “Actually, we all belong to the risk group,” says Funke about yourself and your employees. It has, therefore, also understand that not every wants to take over from Corona reasons, the usual service. The power in the opening Hours, which are still restricted. More is not just. Volunteers are always welcome.

Corona exposure in Schongau not

Corona receivables, other libraries report, there are in the library at the Münztor in Schongau, thanks to the return Container. “At the time of the lock downs 6000 media were borrowed. The arrived sums up not at once, but the Whole has been reduced“, “spark”. In addition, the borrowing term could be over the phone or by Mail extended. Since it was in the library at the Münztor also generous. Meanwhile, the Corona fall again due to the exposed failure fees. “It is back to normal,” said Kornelia Funke.


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If they are not in use, it is often a life-and-death . Nearly 60 physicians in the County are volunteers by the way, as an emergency physician. Despite the large commitment it is, that the layers remain unfilled.

More updates from the Region you can read here.