In the case of an application must sit each set. An application Ghostwriter reveals the Tricks and what you should do in any case, if you want to have the Job.

An application can have many pitfalls. An expert explains what it is. Tips on what you should pay attention to and what mistakes should you absolutely avoid.

tips for the application and what mistakes you should avoid

A application is to write anything other than simple. Each sentence in the cover Letter have to sit. In addition, the at least CVS* are completely completely. So what should be the candidate? In an Interview on “” reveals the expert Bilal Zafar, the head of a company that writes professional resumes for others of what a successful application looks like and what are the most common mistakes.

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do you Want the Job? Then the application should be said to be perfect

On the question of what is according to his experience, the most common errors in applications*, he in the Interview: “Many lists in the resume just where you have worked – but not write to, what they have done. Please don’t write just: clerk in company X, Department Manager in company Y. But: What tasks have you had? What Are The Successes? How many staff and what Budget were your responsibility?”

On the question of whether the resume or cover Letter is more important, his reply is clear: “In most cases, clearly the resume”, – quotes “” the professional. “In some creative Professions, the cover Letter might be seen as a kind of a sample. But in most cases, it is sober to the CV, where the Key is.”

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