During the three-year renovation of your apartment is a 6-member family in Munich wanted a rent reduction – now you are in the Corona of a pandemic to be homeless.

6 family of in München in the Corona-pandemic homeless. During a three-year-old rehabilitation the family a reduction in rent called – since the problems started. In the meantime, the family father is also unemployed – the Department of social services speaks of a Drama.

Update from 23. June, 19.45 : Romina and Kamil V. have done everything to get to the four-room apartment at the sudermann-Allee ( Neuperlach ) until Tuesday to 14 at idle. Because this appointment has announced the bailiff – a judicial eviction title against the family to enforce it (see first message). Three friends help with the clear up. Including a doctor who has extra locks his practice and now at the sudermann-Allee lamps off. A former colleague of Kamil V. hauling furniture and a nerve is support – V. must always back the tears to suppress.

Shortly before 14 o’clock , the new owner , which has bought the apartment at the beginning of the year, stands in front of the door. Then a employee of the house administration – you, your task was it, the keys to the apartment from the bailiffs to accept and to pass to the new owner.

Munich: housing-eviction – suddenly bailiff obstacle notes

Finally, it comes to 14 Uhr the bailiff. Kamil V. ask him for a little respite, still all the furniture out of the apartment are out. Them store, he has rented on the Chiemsee, a Garage – that’s where he’ll pay less than in Munich. In the Flexi-accommodation at the Wotan street, where the V. two rooms as a transitional solution provided get, you can take the family with four daughters (3, 5, 6 and 17 years old) only the most necessary.

but Then the bailiff finds that he can’t put the appointment on Tuesday at all. Because of the decision only, Kamil V. , but not its wife , although she also lives in the apartment. The owner needed a new title. You finally agreeing with the family that now gets at least a postponement until Tuesday.

father of a family with four children makes a mistake with fatal consequences – bailiff

initial meld of 22. June : Munich – In the kitchen there is no furniture in the living room the moving boxes are stacked. With his wife, Romina, and the four daughters Kamil V. will leave his four-room apartment in Perlach at the sudermann-Allee on Tuesday. the do Not volunteer! For 14 watch was a forced scheduled eviction date . “I need help”, says the desperate father of a family. He had asked for a postponement until the middle of July, so that his daughter can make your education qualification . It helped nothing.

Munich: “rent reduction” while redevelopment leads to 10,000 euros of debt

The path to the mess was long: In July 2013, the family moved in. This was shortly after the apartment – the whole Block belonged to the GBW and the free state of Bavaria – the group of investors led by Augsburg-based company Patrizia has been sold. At the time, with only a daughter, the now 17-year-old Laman, which is currently in the midst of the exams for the certified main graduation.

The family grew and the Problem with the landlord was also During a renovation about three years ago, the balcony, long walk – – the family V. remained two month rent guilty, “as rent reduction”, such as Kamil V. says. An error, because promptly the legal notice followed. The family remained in the apartment, paid instead of rent now, use compensation – however, the outstanding amounts are to grow, in the meantime, according to the court, to 10,000 euros.

+ In the four-room apartment in the sudermann-Allee, the family of V. since 2013 at home. The owner requires the tenant now in front of the door.© Michael Westermann

Munich: eviction of the housing – social services Department a

In Winter, the apartment was sold again – for the third Time – and the new owner continues the family now permanently in front of the door. In the decision of the bailiff for the eviction date, the “Sudermann S. a. r. l.” from Luxembourg is given as a customer. A tz-request, but this issue remained to editors go unanswered.

In the Department of social services the city of Munich, working in the family. A social apartment is not free. Eventually, the competent clerk on Thursday after all, two of the rooms to find in a Flexi-home. An interim solution, but it could have been worse. The Alternative for Kamil V., his wife and the four daughters of Laman (17), Sophie (6), Emma (5) and Melissa (3) would have been barracks for the homeless accommodation in the Bavaria.

More on the topic of Living in Germany

Munich: Apartment loss during Corona-crisis – and father of a family loses the Job

That he has lost in the spring due to the Corona-pandemic* his Job as a Park supervisor in Karl field, makes the volunteer Judo coach (Turnerschaft Jahn in Bogenhausen), in addition to create. His wife, Romina, who studied in Azerbaijan, Jura, was unable to help him, she is now unable to cope with the situation completely.

“This is actually a Drama” , says a spokesperson for the social Department of the city. She advises all tenants to get problems with your landlord, to get an early human rights Council and assistance. Not only in the case of tenants ‘ associations, or lawyers, there is a competent human rights Council, also in the city of Munich, and since even free of charge. The tenant Advisory is available at the office for Living and Migration to the Franciscan road 8 can be contacted at the phone number 089/23 34 02 00.

*tz.de is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network.