Longer trips with children in the car can be put in the work. A little preparation helps, so that the small passengers and relaxes you reach the destination.

Berlin (dpa/tmn), “when are we finally there?” “I need time” or “I’m bored” – to minimize such classics for longer car journeys, parents can do even before the Start of things.

with the right clothes, according to the Auto Club Europe (ACE). Breathable and comfortable clothes helps, also with higher temperatures, to better cope.

Also, the appropriate start date and time is important. Babies and smaller children should remain in their normal daily routine. In the case of a very early start driving you can sleep in the car.

chomp without spasm: Not too much and not too little

When to eat before the trip is the Golden middle, not too much but also not with a growling stomach and leave. This can also prevent motion sickness. On-the-go healthy snacks like fruit or vegetables are useful. Always enough to drink, ideally water or tea. Who is bad should not fix the moving point on the horizon. This will help to calm the stomach again. If not, is it for pre-wrapped Black and paper towels grateful.


In no event shall the dearest plush comrade is a must to be able to travel in a Duo better master. Before too much boredom to the Radio, audiobooks, books, music, and common rate games can store and a nice travel climate.

The air conditioning does not heat better cold and directs the air flow directly on the body to avoid colds. The ACE recommends no more than 6 degrees difference between Outdoor and indoor temperature. It’s not the cycle after getting Off so strong.

After five hours should be announced the end of

a Total of not should take a trip also, with some interruptions, for more than five hours of the day, the ACE is a rule-of-thumb. In the breaks, not only for the children: A little bit of movement helps to stay fit. The car should Park it in the shade. If necessary, the fittings with a light cloth cover to make them not too strong heating.

Never children or animals are allowed in the summer alone in the car are left. Not just short or if it is apparently not yet so warm, because the interior heat quickly. It dehydration and heat stroke threaten.

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