An open war is declared Ille-et-Vilaine. For years, in this department, the crows are attacking the fields of corn for feed. And as their population increases, farmers are not able to find the solution to get rid of them while not putting herself not to back the animal protection associations, tells 20 Minutes.

Hervé Sarrazin does not know by which end to take the problem. This breeder of cattle, the exploitation of which is located in Cesson-Sévigné, also has fields of corn that are regularly the target of ravens. “I’ve tried everything. The canon, cages, scarecrows. I ended up rolling in my car twice a day with my father, to scare them “, lists a-t-it from 20 Minutes. The attacks are very regular, and require an operator to constantly re-planting, and then to wait for a new plant type of land. “It is especially morally that it is depressing. It no longer sleeps at night, it gets crazy “, he says.

June eventful

The month of June has been particularly hectic. “For the last fifteen days, it is the madness. We do not stop to call us. The farmers do not know what to do, ” says the website Christian Mochet of the departmental federation of the trade unions of farmers (FDSEA) of Ille-et-Vilaine. The farmers wish that the populations of ravens are controlled and, in the case where they would increase, reduce the killing. But this approach faces the protest of associations for the protection of the environment. In addition, hunters have little interest in hunting crows, whose intelligence makes them often come back empty-handed.

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And the containment did not help the situation. The ravens would have the opportunity to mark their territory. They would sometimes be hundreds to go to a single field, as indicated by several farmers. Other solution : attack directly to the eggs. “The problem is that one has the impression of pretending to be murderers “, plague a local. The problem is urgent : in September, the farmers will have to sow the wheat. A future target for the ravens ?