The assets include tangible assets such as real estate, businesses, jewelry, or cars, and financial assets, including securities and shares. Of debts such as mortgages or loans are deducted.

The objection is obvious, this discrepancy could explained by the fact that more of the better paid and wealthy people buy real estate. The real estate would thus be not the cause but the effect of better financial situation.

This is, of course, correct, but, at best, a half truth. The Institute empirica came to the finding that the effect of correlation go is by no means only in this direction. The researchers compared people with a monthly household net income, and also here is the substantial discrepancy in the assets situation of people with and without real estate property. The Person

Dr. Dr. Rainer lawyers in the historian, sociologist and wealth researcher. He is rich, among other things, the author of the books “the psychology of the super”, “Set bigger goals” and “The art of successful living: wisdom of two millennia, from Confucius to Steve Jobs”. As an entrepreneur, he has built a million-assets.

property forces you to Save

The main reason for the described discrepancy in the financial circumstances of tenants and property owners is the very different saving. Both groups, therefore, the tenant and the owner, save outside of the eradication about the same. You can create the same high amounts in life insurance, savings plans and other investments.

You might have been able to expect that property owners will save a little less in other forms of investment, because you need the money for the repayment of your loan. However, this is not so.

In the case of the property owners, the repayment of the property to be added to the other savings services. In old age, these people have a entschuldete property and can then continue the habit of saving power in other forms of investment continue.

shares or real estate?

followers of shares argue with statistical surveys, according to which shares can bring a higher return than residential real estate. In fact: Who is disciplined about anspart 30 or 40 years in a worldwide investing ETF, is likely to have assets at the end of a significantly higher net.

The only Problem is: Hardly anyone has the discipline. Most investors break the savings plan, or sell their shares, for example, because you get to do it in the case of a Crash, the fear, or because they need the saved money for other purposes.

This is a property very much less likely – no owner will simply set the rates of payments to the Bank or sell the apartment, because he needs money for new purchases. The property is a forced savings plan that forces people, those of discipline, which would also share savings plans is important. Webinar with Dirk Müller: Here, you have to now

invest now you can see which industries and companies are the winners of the crisis. “Mr. Dax” Dirk Müller calls on 3. July, at 19.30 clock in a Webinar of FOCUS Online and Finanzen100 his favorites. Here is your Ticket!

Why Italians are richer than Germans

A study of the Allianz AG , according to Germany is in the list of net financial assets per capita worldwide on the 18. Place. The net financial assets per capita in this country 52.390 Euro. Italy is 58.610 Euro on the 16. Place, ahead of Austria, with 53.980 Euro on the 17. Ranks. The net financial assets corresponds to the balance of receivables and liabilities.

The difference is explained to a large extent by the fact that the home ownership rate in Italy is, at 72.4 percent, significantly higher than in Germany (51.5 percent).

the possession of real estate is forcing the people to a high level of discipline in saving power. This is the “secret” of why property owners build more wealth than tenants, and why the average assets in countries such as Italy with high residential property rate is significantly higher than in countries with low home ownership rate.

A study of the Rich

That real estate is a major contribution to asset formation, also displays a at the University of Potsdam, the resulting Dissertation of Melanie Böwing-narrow Brock (“the way to riches”), has evaluated Interviews with 472 German, with average assets of 2.35 million euros.

The result is, of Course, the employment played the key role for the wealth of education – followed by inheritance. Directly after these two reasons real estate were, however, a Central aspect in the formation of wealth. 48 percent of respondents said real estate was the Genesis of “an important aspect” for your personal Wealth. Of shares, the said only 20 percent.

at Least one in Ten even said that real estate was the most important aspect for Wealth creation. Stock market gains have been called, in contrast, only 2.4 percent of respondents as the most important reason for the wealth of education. That is to say: real estate can play in building up assets of German millionaires are four Times more likely than share the Central role.

Unfortunately, not identified in the survey, whether the affected households felt the importance of real estate, for example, the renting of own real estate, the profitable sale of property or merely the income advantages of owner-occupied real estate.  

Indeed, real estate play for the wealth of education is even more substantial when you take into account the inheritance. This, too, the results of the above-cited survey, 81 percent of wealthy households who already have inherited, show money assets received, 68 percent, have inherited property or been given.

the value of The inherited property was, however, with 300,000 euros (Median), twice as high as the value of the inherited financial assets.

another result of the Dissertation was particularly high net worth individuals have end entrepreneurs have an affinity for the acquisition of real estate. If the respondents have entrepreneurship as the most important aspect for the wealth of education was named, played in more than half of the cases, also real estate property an important role.

And the reverse is also true: it Was called real estate owned as an important aspect of Wealth creation, then was called in 40 percent of cases also of entrepreneurship.

real estate play an important role in asset formation. Nevertheless, it should not be concealed: real estate is not, as it is a popular prejudice says, is per se a “safe” investment. Real estate values can drop, for example due to developments in the market or by government intervention.

Currently, real estate is in the historical comparison in many German cities expensive, which is to be weighed as a disadvantage against the described principle advantages.

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