Only last Wednesday, the Top-Corona-consultant said Anders Tegnell self-critical in the Swedish Radio. He confessed to a wrong dealing with the Virus, and regretted that the protection against infection of the Elderly in Swedish nursing homes was a failure.

  • Sweden’s Top epidemiologist regrets Corona Failure in the elderly

“think More about”

Now, he said on Thursday in an Interview with the Swedish business newspaper “Dagens Industri” once again, criticism of the Corona-strategy. The news magazine reported by Bloomberg, reports the 64-Year-old a change of course to the topic of masks: “We need to think more about. But masks are definitely the solution in any way optimal,” he said in an Interview. There are definitely situations in which it would be better if you would wear a mouth-nose protection to prevent the spread of the Virus, he explained.

Previously, he had excluded the Wearing of masks categorically, because there wasn’t sufficient scientific evidence for their effectiveness. In addition, he was afraid that people would feel comfortable with a mask to be safe, so that other rules would be neglected. Also, the world health organization had diverted Recently and face masks, especially in crowded institutions was recommended.

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Tegnell said already several times, self-critical

Basically, Tegnell of the opinion that the pandemic history in Sweden, going in the right direction, as he says, to “Dagens Medicin”. However, he had been already the beginning of June, also disadvantages to his strategy and regretted that the country has taken little measures to contain the Virus.

Sweden has a little more than ten million inhabitants. Meanwhile, nearly 64,000 people have been tested positive for the Coronavirus. More than 5,200 have died in connection with an infection. In comparison with other Scandinavian countries and also in Germany the Numbers in Sweden are now very high. Ex-AfD-man did not cease to call to order to talk and from the state legislature FOCUS Online/Wochit Ex-AfD-man not worn heard to call to order to talk, and is borne from the state legislature.
