“We fight with the workers for the receipt of the purchase of house sites,” said Erika Ritter, Verdi-Director of the Department of trade. There are several hundred employees at the Karstadt would be expected, location on müllerstrasse in Berlin-Wedding. Overall, the plans for the Austrian Signa Holding company, six of the eleven houses in Berlin were close to. Also close to the location in Potsdam, and a Karstadt-sport store in Berlin-Charlottenburg to do.

Berlin’s governing mayor Michael Müller (SPD) and Economics Senator, Ramona Pop (Green) were recorded at the beginning of the week with a letter to the owners of the sites contact. They hope that a renegotiation of the lease agreements, the branches relieved economically and so can be saved.

Of the planned closures at Karstadt-Kaufhof in Berlin could be affected, according to trade Union data, around 1000 of about 2100 employees. The other worked 650 direct in the stores, in the built-in shops, and delicatessen departments, and travel agents. In the state of Brandenburg were affected, according to the current state 210 of 400 employees.
