The emotion can be read on the faces of all their fans. Manchester City have been beaten on Thursday, June 25 at Chelsea (2-1) by the Liverpool team which won the title of champion of England for the first time in 30 years. The coach of Manchester City, fair play, Pep Guardiola, believes that “the passion” has made all the difference.

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” maybe we didn’t get to it with the same passion. Liverpool has played each of his matches as if it was his last chance, ” explained the technician catalan. “We have not had this type of moments, especially in the key moments of the first part of the season “, he conceded. “This is the reality, we are far behind,” said Pep Guardiola in reference to the 23 point gap to the seven days of the end who have made the Reds the champion very early in the history of the Premier League.” Liverpool has been fantastic regularity throughout the season. We have lost points in the beginning of the season, not Liverpool. “The Reds, who were in the shadow of City these last two seasons, have earned already 28 wins in 31 matches so far. But Guardiola does not lower the arm.

“We can’t win all the time”

” He should be back for the next season, be more regular, and recover the points we lost this season “, he judged. “It will be necessary to take a step back, be humble, and say, ‘no, you can’t win all the time’. Then, it is necessary to learn what we must do in order to prevent this situation from happening again “, he concluded.

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