in Spite of record numbers of Corona infections in the USA sees US Vice-President Mike Pence, significant successes in the fight against the Virus. “We have made really remarkable progress,” said Pence on Friday in Washington at the first Briefing of the Coronavirus task force of the White house for almost two months. Although the number of confirmed new infections increases, especially in the southern States. The number of deaths declining, but throughout the country. The situation was therefore significantly better than two months ago.

126.000 Tote

With nearly 40,000 reported cases, the number of Corona had reached new infections in the United States on Thursday, according to the statistics, the Johns Hopkins University, a new all-time high. Pence – the head of the Coronavirus task force in the White house – said: “We have lost more than 126,000 in our country people to the disease.” Since the beginning of the pandemic, more than 2.5 million people in the U.S. have proven to be Sars-CoV-2 infected – more than in any other country in the world.

On Thursday evening (local time) it was reported that the US Department of justice has asked the Supreme court to abolish “Obamacare”. President Donald Trump had criticized his predecessor, Barack Obama introduced extensions of health insurance several times as a “Disaster” and for the repeal advocates.

When science no longer counts for anything

In contrast to other industrial Nations such as Canada, France, Germany, or South Korea did it, the US never, the curve of new infections is crucial to flatten out. Since some Republican-governed States such as Texas and Florida have locker has, in the curve even a steep one. Also rural areas are now increasingly affected by the Virus. Scott Keeler/Tampa Bay Times via ZUMA Wire/dp A man disinfected the counter of a Bar in St. Petersburg (Florida)

“To the USA, you need to be really Worried,” wrote the physician, and SPD Bundestag member Karl Lauterbach on Twitter. “The first wave was never defeated and now it’s in the second. “In terms of the Coronavirus in the USA are a failed state. No one knows how the development can be stopped. Because the word science doesn’t count anymore.“

“He’s an absolute fool”

Scientific facts have become in the United States long the plaything of political disputes. About respirators: The Wearing or Non-Wearing of a mask makes for weeks of conversation – and Trump is focused on.

The U.S. President had made in April to have decided to no mask. Again and again, he makes for irritation when he asks a Reporter, when you Ask a question, but the mask, please remove. He considers it even possible that people with the masks Express their disapproval for him for the expression. “It could be, Yes. It could be,” said Trump to a question in an Interview with the Wall Street Journal.

the rejection of The mask is for Trumps opponents expression of it, that Trump is playing the implications of the Coronavirus still down, in spite of the more than 125,000 dead. “He is a fool, an absolute fool,” said Joe Biden, Trumps democratic opponent in the upcoming presidential election in November, in a CNN Interview. Each of the leading physicians of the world say that they should wear masks. For him Wearing a mask standing not for strength or weakness, but for “leadership”. AP Photo/Matt Slocum, The designated democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden

Pence: a Lot of Corona cases in young people without symptoms

The leading US-immunologist in the Corona-crisis, Anthony Fauci, said at the press Briefing on Friday: “In certain areas we are facing serious problems.” Pence said many of the cases of new infections concern young people, which often showed no symptoms, and of which, so far, only a very small number as a result of a Covid-19-would die of the disease. Pence attributed the rising number of confirmed new infections is also on an expansion of Tests – similar to Trump argued.

Trump was played by the increasing numbers of cases, already known to be the record down. “When we would test, we would have no cases,” said Trump in a Thursday night televised Interview with Fox News. The US had so far tested, around 30 million people to the Virus, more than any other country in the world.

election campaign events, despite Corona

Pence also defended that Trump and he have resumed the pre-election campaign, although health experts advise that it is still of meetings. “The freedom of speech, the right to freedom of peaceful Assembly, are enshrined in the Constitution of the United States. And we have in the autumn of this year, a choice before us,“ said Pence. Also in a health crisis, the Americans had their constitutional rights. AP

Pence said the goal is “to protect life and to open the safe again”. All 50 U.S. States have taken measures to re-opening. Pence called on the inhabitants of the United States to continue to follow the guidelines to protect against the spread of the Virus. The Vice President asked them to pray.

the fear of The dark baton

The health authority CDC estimates that, to date, probably only a fraction of the infections was recorded. “For every case we have seen, there were probably ten more infections,” said CDC Director, Robert Redfield. Most of the experts in the first line of Trump-driven easing of Corona-restrictions in the States for the increasing numbers of cases, responsible.

The speaker of the US house of representatives, the Democrat Nancy Pelosi, criticized the government for its handling of the Corona-crisis. The resistance against the science, the “Deny” and the delay in the response to the pandemic have led to death, said Pelosi Friday at a press conference.

  • read also: Live-Ticker for the Corona-crisis

States make re-sealing

in view of the development of some of the Federal States plan, announced relaxations for the time being, not to implement. A report in the “Washington Post” that the concerns about Texas, Arizona, Florida, or New Mexico. Texas recorded a record of around 6000 new cases on Thursday, as data of the health Ministry. The Ministry of health in Florida announced on Friday, with almost 9000 new infections within a day is also a new maximum value. The sale of alcohol in Bars was prohibited.

had Previously arranged, given the high number of new infections and the rise of the recordings in hospitals, the Texas Governor Greg Abbott counter-measures. “At present, it is clear that the increase in cases is largely attributed to certain activities, including the collection of Texans in Bars,” said the Republicans on Friday in a message. Among other things, he ordered that from Friday to Bars, which generated more than 51 percent of their revenue related to the sale of alcoholic beverages, no more guests can receive.

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