After experiencing a positive person at covid-19, 71 CRS came on a mission to Marseilles are placed in quatorzaine in a barracks, where they refuse to sleep, judging the sanitary conditions ” unacceptable “, has denounced Friday 26 June 2020 the police union Alliance. “They refuse to sleep in the box where they should share showers and toilet facilities are shared, and as a result they sleep that by land, which in his / her vehicle, it is unacceptable,” he explained to Agence France-Presse Pierre Ducros, regional delegate of the Alliance in the Southern zone on Friday night. The trade unionist denounces a “surrender of authority” which, according to him, ” refuses to take what he calls a “mere suspicion” of Covid-19 “.

“We have sought an accommodation fit for these staff to be placed in quatorzaine, as share of health in this context this is not possible, but we don’t have the answers,” said Pierre Ducros. “It is all the more serious because it is a company old enough “, he stressed. For Frédéric Lagache, deputy general delegate of Alliance, “while the world doesn’t care (…) we Were told that there was no money for housing police officers” elsewhere than in a cantonment. “The director general of the national police is aware, the minister is aware. We do not know who to call “, he added.

The CRS lways waiting for the test results

The company CRS27, comprised of 71 police officers, is part of Toulouse to Marseille on Tuesday, where it is housed in a barracks of the 13th arrondissement, at the Rose. A technical officer who returned from Guyana, and that the company has worked in Toulouse has been tested positive for the covid-19 Thursday, according to the national police. Learning this information, the officers refused to return to Toulouse on Friday as planned and have asked to see a doctor. The latter has prescribed a screening test as well as a quatorzaine isolation. Saturday morning, they were still awaiting test results.

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