The ditches are deep in the AfD deeper than ever before. In the monumental Corona-crisis in the party is no longer the controversial and divisive topics, the standard criticism of the Federal government is caught in a time of pandemic, so easy. A hardball led to fight between the Right-wing-man and Brandenburg, the AfD country Director Andreas Kalbitz and party leader Jörg Meuthen raging in the Federal government. Kalbitz‘ membership in the party was declared due to previous contacts in the extreme right-wing Milieu, null and void. The 47-Year-old is, however, legal defense.

Fierce fire letter provides explosive

in the Midst of this troubled time a brand, the letter of AfD bursts-members and provides for more excitement. The ARD-capital Studio reported on Wednesday. Behind the Scenes there is a crash, according to the research of the Public service, apparently, huge. However, it is not only the Kalbitz debacle, but General criticism of the AfD group in the Bundestag. Internal discussions of the group are to run out of control, little structure, and also group chief Alexander Gauland and his Co-Chairman Alice ryegrass stand strong in the criticism. dpa, Andreas Kalbitz, AfD politician from Brandenurg, comes to a rally of the AfD.

This brand letter to the according to information of the ARD capital studios 16. In June, the entire Federal Board of AfD with the two chairmen, Gauland, and rye for a night after a “disastrous group meeting” sent to have been. The Mail of the ARD prior to the sun. The sender, an unnamed AfD Deputy, wrote: “the former figurehead of the AfD, namely our group in the Bundestag, faded in unprecedented speed. We have no answers to the political questions of our time. Or are unable to place you.“

Chaotic meetings, weak leadership, and little that is Constructive of ryegrass

Furthermore, the critic accuses the party: “I see no guide, no” red thread ” for our work.” Especially rye, but also Gauland get wind from their own ranks. “You shall, in a four-hour session for about five minutes,” said the AfD member on ryegrass. There is a “deep frustration over the leadership,” especially since Gauland “would offer no perspective for the future”.

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another point of criticism is the lack of discipline during the meetings. There is talk of in-between quack, walk Out before voting and to laze Around in the room. “Ladies and gentlemen: this group is NOT win a flower pot”, – stated in the Mail bilanzierend. dpa Suhl: Jörg Meuthen, the Federal spokesperson of the AfD, looks at the clock before the start of an AfD Federal Executive Board meeting at the Congress Centrum Suhl.

The Mail-critic is obviously not alone with that. The ARD-capital Studio, has spoken with several AfD members, this confirmed the impression that it was a single opinion. The noise level at group meetings is often very high, said a member of Parliament, for example, this is also a Form of disrespect. The meetings were chaotic.

AfD-top-of-the rejects criticism: “No circus tamers”

The AfD’s leadership responded with restraint to the harsh scolding and has all allegations of himself. Rye recalled the basic democracy in the party and emphasized to the ARD that “nothing here is simply rubber-stamped”. The mean but not that they moderate only. The statement that they themselves contribute little that is Constructive to the meetings, described the 41-Year-old as “simply wrong”. Also of lack of discipline ryegrass does not want to speak: “We guide, but a group with 89 self-conscious members of Parliament and not see us as a circus lion tamers.” Merkel reacted harshly to the Left of the question: “can I Find kind of weird” FOCUS Online/Wochit Merkel reacts harshly to the Left of the question: “can I Find that kind of funny” “mandate politically, they are nothing”: Neubauer drives a fierce verbal attack against Merz, FOCUS Online/Wochit “mandate politically, they are nothing”: Neubauer drives a fierce verbal attack against Merz
