After a long dispute, the Bundestag and the Federal Council can adopt by the end of the week, and therefore before the summer break, the coalition planned in a better position for lower pensions.

Although the financing of the basic pension was not yet satisfactory, wool agree to the Union, made the CSU land group chief Alexander Dobrindt in Berlin. It was important to create safety for the affected retirees. For this reason, you accept that the funding come from the Federal budget, as long as there is no other financing options, said Dobrindt.

the basic pension starts to 1.1.2021, the first disbursements from 1.7.

the law on The basic pension should 1. January 2021 start. Thus, the pensions of about 1.3 million people are to be improved with small covers up. The costs are estimated to be 1.3 to 1.6 billion euros per year. The Beneficiaries will get the pension automatically as the regular pension is paid out. The first money will flow according to the Mast because of the administrative challenge in July 2021, but retroactive to January. The CDU parliamentary leader Ralph brinkhaus clarified.

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Finance Minister Olaf Scholz (SPD) wanted to Fund the basic pension, originally with a new, EU-wide, introduced a tax on financial transactions. However, a number of member States, such as Austria, oppose the Instrument. The Union also has concerns about Scholz‘. Provisional taxpayers will Finance the basic pension.

these are the figures of the basic pension

the Union and the SPD had agreed on the basic pension in the coalition agreement. The law delayed for a long time, because the coalition parties were in dispute about the question of a means test.

In November 2019, they agreed on a compromise: there should Be a comprehensive income test. Paid, the basic pension should be according to the compromise of up to one income, plus pension and investment income of

  • 1250 Euro, The competent Federal Ministry of labour and social Affairs explains on its website, is designed for a stand-Alone
  • 1950 Euro for couples

according to what exact criteria for the basic pension. It says: “The average basic pension Supplement – the Supplement to the regular pension is good 75 € (a gross). A maximum of may be the surcharge 404,86 Euro (gross).”

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The money only to pensioners with low pensions will get, however, if you have long paid into the German pension insurance: you must have at least 33 years old of so-called basic pension times. This is different periods of employment recognised for an entitlement to the basic pension.

Who was no longer insured with compulsory insurance, and a minimum of 35 years “the basic pension times” comes in, receives a result of higher surcharges. An additional variant exists for all who come to a crediting period of between 33 and 35 years. The respective amount of the basic pension is calculated according to a complicated basic pension formula.

Deutsche Rentenversicherung expected high administrative expenses

The Deutsche Rentenversicherung (DRV), the Confederation expects a high level of administrative effort, from almost 26 million in pensions for those with entitlement to the Supplement to be filtered out. Stephan barrel Hauer of the DRV Bund had recently said, people who are already in pension and will be entitled to the award would have received their assessment notices expected only by the end of 2022.

Union rejects financing through new stock control

In the Union is upset that the basic pension should be financed through a tax on financial transactions, the introduction at European level is still in sight. Dobrindt accused also healing to have financing commitments not being adhered to. The salvation announced 400 million euros from the budget of the Ministry of labour were not secured until today.

the Union, in spite of the open questions of Finance now wants to agree but still before the summer break, according to Dobrindt strategic backgrounds. You do not want to give the SPD the opportunity to play with a retirement theme the summer months, he argued.

construction of the required test of basic pension beneficiaries is the cost of time

Union leader Ralph Brinkhaus (CDU) underlined now, for the CDU and the CSU, a needs assessment is the decisive condition for the basic pension.

The income test will be automated in accordance with the now agreed upon a compromise “and citizen-friendly” by means of a data exchange between pension insurance and financial offices are made, reported the news Agency dpa.

The verification of the authorization is, according to brink, the house until January, however, not possible, “and that is why it is also so that the payment can not be made at the first of January”.

“Mittelstand” and economic Union criticizes pension

According to the “Mittelstand” and economic Union (WITH) this basic pension new injustices. “At the end of the one who has worked for more than 32 years of 40 hours a week to get any basic pension – but someone who has worked 35 years, only 20 hours,” criticized the Federal Chairman Carsten Linnemann (CDU).

SPD-Boss esque praises the perseverance of your party

SPD-Head of Saskia esque said: “The tenacity of the SPD has paid off.” For over a Million pensioners in Germany, it was a good message. “Those who have worked for years, children educated, or members has cared for, will finally be given the recognition for his life’s work, and must compete in the age of the way to the office.” “Mandate politically, they are nothing”: Neubauer drives a fierce verbal attack against Merz, FOCUS Online/Wochit “mandate politically, they are nothing”: Neubauer drives a fierce verbal attack against Merz

FDP criticized the basic pension as the disabled against poverty in old age

The pension policy spokesman of the FDP parliamentary group, Johannes Vogel, held the Union to be caved. “The basic pension is and remains the wrong approach to tackling poverty in old age. Of the 500,000 people in need in spite of pension claims to basic security in old age, go about three-quarters empty. At the same time, over 90 percent of the possible basic pension recipients do not have to rely on the basic security in old age.“

Left-Chairman Katja Kipping argued: “This so-called basic pension … excludes many people, not least people in the family a long time unpaid childrearing and care work have done” – so many women. “She has never seen with a mask”: a journalist puts Merkel burning question, FOCUS Online/Wochit “she has never seen with a mask”: a journalist puts Merkel explosive issue

mbe/dpa, AFP