For the terrorist militia Islamic state (IS) to have recruited a of lower Saxony, according to Syria traveled Islamistin women to marry IS fighters. At the Start of the trial against the 30-year-old German-Syrian girl on the upper land court of Celle on Friday there is nothing to the praise of the IS, the should have sent the wife according to the indictment, in WhatsApp messages, over. In a white hooded sweater-clad little woman, hunched sitting on the dock, speaks of war, famine and death in the IS. “I got away from him only slightly, and I can save my children.” Your up to ten years in prison now.

The allegations that the representative of the Prosecutor General’s office reads, weigh heavy: at the Latest at the time of their departure at the end of 2014, the woman to have power connected from Vechta IS with the aim of supporting the armed struggle in Syria. As a part of a network of radicalised women, you should be won from Syria for more women in Germany for the IS, whose marriage with fighters organized and in the activities of the militia have been integrated. Because they are in Syria, two Kalashnikovs and a grenade, the prosecution of the woman is also a violation of the war weapons control act to the load.

The story of a IS-wedding, read here…

“I’m in December 2014 with my husband out to Syria and travels and have never regretted this step in a short period of time,” begins the Aleppo-born wife, her part of the confession. Her husband had criticized the terrorist militia, had been tortured and killed. With your four-in-Syria-born children, the defendant fled to Turkey. In December, she was deported to Germany and landing in Frankfurt/Main, was detained. Your children came into the custody of the youth welfare office.

“The Cause of the budget will be the crime

stylized,” explained her lawyer, for the Recruitment of women to marry IS fighters, there is no evidence, no concrete name. Such a so-called sister network did not exist. The defender spoke of a “politicized judiciary” that streamline the office, and the mere stay in the territory of the IS crime. The defendant was to run from the point of view of the German authorities, “the enemy”, was allowed to stay as a Syrian girl in their home country. “The budget is stylized to the crime.”

At the time of their departure, the woman should be supported by the network of the alleged IS-Germany, the heads of Abu Walaa, who must answer for itself already since 2017 in other proceedings in Celle before the court. As a concrete reference person, the prosecution called the co-defendant operator of a Dortmunder living room mosque, had also the Berlin Christmas market assassin Anis Amri contact. In January, the 30 had to testify-Year-old originally as a witness in the trial against Abu Walaa. At the end she was to testify but not willing to, thereby straining the danger avoided, your statements yourself.

the first guilty verdict against a woman a year ago

Of women, the speech was hardly, as the exit wave of young, radicalised people from Germany came to the terrorist militia in front of more than five years. Often in the company of aspiring fighters, broke up but young women heading to Syria and Iraq. With the return to Germany they are now now in Celle, more commonly before the court. The first guilty verdict against a IS-home sweeper there was a year ago at the higher regional court of Stuttgart. A then 32-year-old converted to Islam German received because of membership in the IS five years in prison. Convictions of interior followed.

The increased return of the travelled women demands not only the courts, but also the Social and youth authorities. Because most of the women return with children to Germany, most of whom have spent years in the case of the terrorist militia. When and if the can live in Celle, defendant again with your children, including twins, together, is still open.

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