
  • Current hour to the riot night in Stuttgart
  • All info about the rampage in Stuttgart you can find here
  • the Bundestag discussed from 17.30

“Disgusts me”: With sharp words, Özdemir buttons in Stuttgart-debate, the AfD before

18.07 at: “sitting in The shock of the outbreak of violence in Stuttgart deep”, starts Cem Özdemir, Green. To destroy the window or beating on police officers, was not a heroic act. “I want our forces to thank for their work.” Now, it is important to take measures to increase the security.

Then, Özdemir went over to the AfD: “your business model is the Spread of fear and hatred. And if you are honest to give you the. Make it easy on yourself. For the migrants to blame are easy. Above all, there were young men, heavily under the influence of alcohol. You can hear this from you nothing that surprised no one,” he says to the address of the AfD. Once citizens had been an exile in Germany”, he urges us.

Özdemir is even clearer: “you identitary Waffling disgusts me. The basic law, the basis of our Republic.”

we need to be Worried about, if young people distrust our police, makes it clear Özdemir. There is also racism in the police. This, it is important to emphasize. Laughter of the AfD. “I hope that as few of your laughter to hear,” says Özdemir.” The German police is not the US police,” emphasized Özdemir.

Liberal and respectful in Stuttgart worked, the Green-man.

18.04 PM: Gökay Akbulut speaks for the Left. Participation and Integration are steps in the right direction, says the Left-hand-woman. It also addresses the big issue of racism in the police. “We demand independent of the Complaint.” The AfD refers to it as “the biggest security risk in our society”. The greatest danger from going from the right-wing extremism in Germany.

SPD-MPs criticised for “ill-development”

18.00 : SPD-deputies, Ute Vogt is the next speaker. “This is a sick development, it is a sign of violence, the post and get Likes,” she says with a glance to the young troublemaker. It is now consider necessary, and what measures could help. It is in this context, on municipal crime prevention, and lighting concepts, the SPD wife. “How do we make places safe? How do we get people talking?” In the case of the young people in a state of distance will significantly. “Who is attacking the police, attacking the democratic state of law. We need to get people talking and not wait for it to explode again.”

17.53 at: Benjamin Strasser (FDP) speaks now. “The police strengthen the back” – this was also his motto. He is disturbed, however, the term “party scene”. Strasser says: “I was once part of the Stuttgart party scene.” He could say that the meet at other locations. He criticized both the CDU interior Minister Thomas Strobl, and calls for “evidence-based education”. A Minister of the interior did not participate in the myths, so Strasser. If there was too little for the judge, and then the fall in the responsibility of Strobls.

Schaeuble today pay strict attention to the speech time. Also Strasser gets cut off the word.

CDU-man calls for tougher penalties for attacks on police officers

17.46 at: As “not acceptable”, referred to the CDU-man Thorsten Frei, the riots in Stuttgart. “We need a clear answer,” says Free. The police need the full backing of the state, warns Free. “We now have to analyze exactly what happened.” Then he replies to his previous speaker: “I think it is wrong and negligent to set presumptions in the room”, so Free to the address Weidels. It had not been finally clarified, who stand behind the riots. “The rule of law must be credible,” explains Free. “We are sorted right here, with regard to the possibilities of the criminal law”, the CDU-man. He called for tougher penalties for attacks by police officers. In the middle of the sentence, the President of the Bundestag Wolfgang Schäuble cuts off the CDU-man the word. “Mr, the speaking time is strictly” – Free must give way to the lectern.

17.40: The first speaker in the debate, the AfD group’s boss, Alice ryegrass is. She speaks of a Mob with “maximum radicalism”, which was drawn by Stuttgart. “According to the Stuttgart riot night, we are not able to do so, as there is not a Problem,” says rye. The Problem is not racism. It is a case of policy failure, is you. It was Criminal that should be punished severely. There were criminal immigrants and organized violent left-wing extremists, ready to ryegrass claims. There are loud cries in the Bundestag. “The spiritual arsonists are mostly found on the green-red side of the political spectrum.” Again loud cries of: “you are the intellectual arsonist,” calls a member of ryegrass.

The police need not only to “lip service”, but real support. Aberrations would now need to be addressed. “The Stuttgart riot night was a Wake-up call,” concludes ryegrass her speech. “Shame on you”, calls a member of the AfD-wife.

the Bundestag debate on the riots in Stuttgart

16.15 PM: on the night of the 21. June was destroyed by rioters in the downtown storefronts and shops looted. According to police, 400 to 500 people were involved. According to the Minister of the interior Thomas Strobl (CDU), also include the anstachelten rioters. On a recent weekend, more suspects were taken into custody. Part of it had been of investigators detected again.

On Friday night, the Stuttgart-based Ruckus on the issue in the Bundestag. It is the last session of Parliament before the summer break. CSU woman’s decomposed AfD-request – then pulls out suddenly, a handkerchief, FOCUS Online/Wochit CSU-woman decomposed AfD-request – then pulls out suddenly, a handkerchief
