The atmosphere has changed since the British first driver black the premier class of motor sport, urged Formula 1 to a position after the death of George Floyd at the hands of police officers in the United States at the end of may. Challenged for his way of raising the awareness of the F1 paddock in the fight against racism, the sixfold world champion Lewis Hamilton had to defend themselves to the end of the Grand Prix of Austria Sunday. “This is a fight for equality, it is not a question of policy or promotion. “

” Nobody moves a finger in my sport, which is of course dominated by the Whites, he wrote on Instagram. I would have thought that you’d see now why this is happening and would respond to, but you can’t stand on our side. Just know that I know who you are and that I see you. “

like Charles Leclerc, a number of drivers had responded with messages contrite to these messages on Your canvas. “To be completely honest, I didn’t feel at my place and not comfortable to share my thoughts on social networks. I was completely wrong “, posting as well the Monegasque Ferrari.

Yet, at an official ceremony against racism on the starting grid of the inaugural GP of the season on Sunday, Leclerc, 22 years old, was one of six drivers who, unlike Hamilton, did not put the knee on the ground, preferring to lower his head in sign of meditation, wearing the t-shirt, black marked with the words “end racism” (end to racism).

Fanned by the british press

And Leclerc to explain that, for him, ” the important thing are the facts and the daily behavior more than gestures-formal that might be perceived as controversial in some countries.”

beyond the right of everyone to support the cause in his own way – has defended the F1 and its regulator, the Fédération internationale de l’automobile (FIA), in organising this ceremony, it is the style of the sixfold world champion who, as so often, controversy.

Hamilton, driver métis, was convinced that a few drivers to put knee to earth against racism, a debate that escape for others in the context of F1 © MediaPortal Daimler AG / Daimler Press

of Course, it is not him who has put the subject on the carpet, but the british press, which as of Thursday morning has extensively interviewed Hamilton about his intention to put a knee on the ground before departure. He replied, not having thought about it, wished for a gesture coordinated with the ten-nine other pilots and called it “especially” to a more sustainable share of the “industry” of the F1.

But, behind the scenes, some sources were, however, that the British had been less tolerant at a meeting organised by the pilots ‘ association, the GPDA on Friday night. When asked about these exchanges the next day, the pilot Mercedes had explained : “The message that I posted to ask to break the silence has been interpreted, and I’ve just thanked those who had made it because their voice is important and I have encouraged others to do so. “

movement hints marxists

” I have described the scenario in which to be silent is to be complicit, he went on. There is always silence in some cases, but I think it’s part of the dialogue, the process of understanding. (…) So I’ll try to continue to try to be a guide, an influence. “

” I never asked or required of anyone that he kneels. I have never even spoken. What are the F1 and the GPDA that the have done, “he reiterated Sunday, appear to respond to an article in the tabloid british Daily Mail, saying that,” in private, a number of drivers (were) annoyed by the insistence of Hamilton, to force them to kneel “.

The article also denounces “the hypocrisy” of the pilot, “knight of the green”, but that was made in Austria in a “useless private flight” from Monaco, or of their ignorance of the recent debate on the ramifications of the marxist movement Black Lives Matter, which it claims to be.

” today was an important moment for me and all those who work for and believe in change. For a society that is more just and egalitarian. I can be criticized in the media and elsewhere, but it is a fight for equality, it is not a question of policy or promotion “, has tried to close the person on Instagram Sunday evening, after having had to settle for fourth place in the GP.

Criticized off the track and penalized on the starting grid for an error in qualifying and in the race for having caused a collision, it does not start at best his campaign to equal the record of seven world titles of Michael Schumacher.

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