a year ago, Florian H. has booked his summer holiday to 2020. For the first time, he wanted to with his family in the Turkey travel, the All-Inclusive package holiday, he planned on the Online travel portal of Dertour. “You want to try something different,” says the father of a family from the vicinity of Munich.

but in March, the Corona pandemic is spreading, getting stronger and stronger, decides Florian H., the Turkey to cancel the Trip. He’s looking for Alternatives where self-check-in is possible.

In a plane, he does not want to rise under the new conditions with his wife and two children. On the family vacation, not to give up, he wants to but also.

“hing, I for many days for hours in the queue,”

Florian H. plans, all of which inform as well the travel providers. However, a contact is difficult. “I hung a loop for days on end for hours in the waiting”, he told FOCUS Online. When he finally reached an employee by phone, the uninviting: A transfer or a travel voucher for the next year? Not possible.

Although Florian H. has not yet paid the complete journey, but a Deposit of 650 euros. The charged him Dertour, based in Frankfurt and to the Rewe Group is part of, as a processing fee.

consumer: cancellation or processing fees have to be paid for

is Permitted that is not according to the consumer. The Association makes on his Website: “A report of rice echtler Professor Klaus Tonner could go to consumers for free abroad-package holidays to cancel, which should take place until the end of August 2020.”

The rice echtler stresses, cancellation fees or processing fees for package tours do not need to be paid. Further, it means: Was made the payment already, so customers would have the right to a reverse payment.

foreign office travel warning to 31. August is considered as “force majeure”

the Foreign office makes it clear that customers can cancel their package free of charge, “if at the holiday resort of unavoidable and extraordinary circumstances” exist.

When traveling to third countries falls to 31. August imposed a travel warning under the “force majeure”. Only if the trip is planned to a later point in time may not be on a cancellation free of charge familiar.

Dertour area refers to privacy and advertises online with “Super-inclusive” package

On his Facebook page advertises Dertour, however, with a “Safe-Super-Carefree-package”. To protect customers in the case of a Corona-infection at the resort – “costs inclusive”.

Next it says in a Facebook Post, refunds for cancelled trips are currently in progress. Due to the high volume it would be, however, to delays.

On request by FOCUS Online about the Situation of Florian H., the company refers to the regulations on data protection. We regret to therefore, no information related to the case.

the father of a family is outraged and wants to continue to fight for a refund

Florian H. is angry that he gets his 650 Euro back as before: “This is not easy.” But loosely, he does not want to leave – if necessary, you had to turn on a lawyer, he says.

The employee hopes that a Letter to his employer, recognizing it as relevant to the system, helps. First it goes but for a couple of weeks with the family at the lake. Posted by Florian H. on holiday this time prefer to be alone, without a tour operator.

Turkey is a popular holiday destination for the Germans

The Federal government has had a travel warning for Turkey to last until 31. August extended. In addition to this General warning, the Robert Koch Institute has classified the country as a Corona-risk area.

tourists will have to go to the entry from a risk area in a two-week home quarantine. Currently in Turkey, according to the John Hopkins University 221.500 confirmed Corona cases (Stand: 23. July).

The Turkey, however, has the ban on entry for German nationals since 11. June 2020 lifted and is pushing for a repeal on the part of the Federal government. Finally, the tourism is one of the most important sectors of the economy in Turkey. Last year, more than five million Germans spent there, according to the official information on your holiday.

also read: holiday in the area at risk: returnees with high fines in case of violations

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