After Federal police officers were taken in Portland tough action against the demonstrators, they are now deducted. The Kate Brown, Governor of Portland announced on Wednesday. Brown spoke of a “gradual withdrawal”. Already on Thursday would begin with the withdrawal, so Brown more. First, AP reported: “” the project of the government.

U.S. government announced tougher action

After weeks of protests in Portland (Oregon) had announced the US government finally, a further tightening in the procedure against perpetrators of violence among the protesters. Additional measures would probably be taken this week, said the acting Secretary of Homeland security, Chad Wolf, the TV station Fox News on Sunday.

It is not that the security attacked the forces of the Confederation in the night, and hurt would would accept. Portland was “at least at certain hours of the night, completely out of control”. In Portland and in Seattle in the neighboring state of Washington, it came in the night to Sunday clashes.

Since the violent death of the African-American George Floyd in Minneapolis two months ago, protests against racism and police violence continue in the United States. In Portland, the protests are also against the use of security forces, which has sent the administration of U.S. President Donald Trump against the will of the city and the state there. The government justified the use with the protection of a Federal court, whose building was attacked in the night to Sunday again. According to wolf’s data, it came in the night, except in Portland and Seattle also to violent protests in Oakland (California) and other cities. Image space/ZUMA Wire/Reuters Portland: protesters ignited during a Protest in front of the Federal court

Serious allegations against the protesters

In Austin (Texas) on Saturday evening on the outskirts of a Demonstration of a person shot. A police spokeswoman said the victims might have carried a gun and had approached a car from which the shot had been. The shooter has been arrested and is cooperating with the police. The incident was being investigated.

The Republicans Trump accuses democratically governed cities, to get violence and crime in the handle. Wolf said the city Council in Portland, let “anarchists” grant. Every night together would be between 2000 and 4000 violent criminals to Federal properties, such as the court of tire building and security forces of the Federal suit. Wolf said, security forces of the Federal government had taken in the night to Sunday “seven or eight” people. He accused the protesters to aim with lasers in the eyes of the security forces. Two or three officials would have lost this perhaps a part of your vision.

Trump has threatened the protesters. “Anarchists, troublemakers or protesters”, which the Federal court building is destroyed in Portland, or any other Federal building or damaged, would be held accountable, wrote Trump on Monday (local time) on Twitter. You should expect a minimum of ten years in prison, wrote to Trump and added: “don’t Do it!”

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“Trump and his storm troops

The use of the para-military will be stopped” – like security forces is highly controversial. The Chairman of the house of representatives, the Democrat Nancy Pelosi, had to be stopped, troops must required: “Trump and his storm.” Wolf called the Statement irresponsible and dangerous. He demanded an apology from Pelosi.

The police in Portland said, in the night of Sunday, had gathered thousands of protesters to the sealed-off building of the Federal court. Some of them had thrown stones, bottles and fireworks and power tools tried the fence to cut through. Against 1.00 PM (local time/10.00 a.m. CEST) and will be managed demonstrators, a part of the fence to tear down. The police have used tear gas to the crowd to dissolve. The local police had detained several people.

The police in Seattle announced that there had been taken during the riots dozens of people. 21 policemen had been injured by stones, bottles and fireworks, but can the majority back to the service return. Around a dozen people were trespassing on the grounds of a detention center and would be placed on a site there is fire. Windows of shops were smashed. At a police an explosive device was detonated guard. Demonstrators have thrown stones, bottles and fireworks at police. The police have used pepper spray to the crowd to dissolve.

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U.S. attorney General Barr defends crackdown against protesters in Portland

U.S. attorney General Bill Barr has defended the crackdown by Federal police officers against demonstrators in the city of Portland. A “Mob of hundreds of rioters” siege every night, is a court building in the city in the West coast state of Oregon, said Barr on the Tuesday before the judiciary Committee of the house of representatives in Washington. “It cannot be reasonably referred to as a Protest. This is according to all objective standards an attack on the government of the United States.”

The “rioters” were spinning “rock, electric but is not limited to, proposal, hammers, saws, knives, guns and explosives armed”, said Barr. A “relatively small number” of Federal police officers to stand, the court building is protected. “We are on the Defensive,” said the conservative Minister of justice.

in Principle, would be hijacked in the United States after the death of the African-American George Floyd in a brutal police operation in may, “violent rioters and anarchists” the legitimate protests “” and for the “devastation and destruction” caused, said Barr.

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cvh, cho/dpa, AFP