data theft in the network on a regular basis for uncertainty. Who would like to know if the data were intercepted Emotet in the network of malicious software such as Trojans can check it easily.

The platform, “Have I been Pwned?”, was established in the year 2013 of the Australian security researcher Troy Hunt to life. The database, on the basis of the page works, now has more than ten billion entries.

this e-Mail address is “Have I been Pwned”

Go to the website “Have I been Pwned” and enter your E-in the search window. Then click on the “Pwned?” and get your result. The display of “Good news – no pwnage found!” says your data is not in the database, and probably not stolen.

“Oh no – pwned!” were tapped your data at least once. What services were involved, and what data has been stolen, you see more at the bottom of the Homepage. Usually only the user profiles and not the Mail, however, were attacked addresses.

secure the password is no longer create the old “tips” applicable

Hunt said against the US Portal “Mashable” to the question of how likely steels to the victims of the data-thief: “Empirically, it is very likely. For those of us who have been around for a while on the Internet, it is almost a certainty.”

The regular Change of passwords, security experts recommend no more in power now. This is only useful if there is reason to believe that the password has been stolen. Much more problematic is it to use the same password for multiple services.

Also is it better to use password managers and passphrases instead of password selection on the digits, special characters, and co..

“Have I been Pwned?”: Website is safe?

however, There are also safety concerns about of the page, “Have I been Pwned”, finally, Hunt has access to a huge amount of data. According to information it stores as little data as possible. He says: “When Have I Been Been Pwned’ is cracked, it is only E-Mail addresses.” Also, according to the consumer experts of the CHIP Have I been Pwned is “” sure. Sawtooth-the summer is coming to a head: Only 36 degrees – then the drop in temperature PCP sawtooth follows-the summer is coming to a head: Only 36 degrees – the temperature fall arrival, distances, reservations: This should be the summer of the following-Camper now PCP know the arrival date, spacing, reservations: The summer should Camper now

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