Higgins and Max Hulett met through Call of Duty several months ago. They have been playing Call of Duty ever since. Higgins informed Hulett that he would pay for two tickets, one for Max and one for his girlfriend, since he was giving away the plane tickets.

Hulett stated via Corinne Rivers, FOX19 that “he was giving away tickets [to] the game]”. “I didn’t win the tickets but I had them. He said, “Here, I’ll hook up, I will fly you out”, and he did it.

Hulett will be watching the Bengals at Arrowhead as they attempt to reach the Super Bowl for only the second time since 1988.

Kansas City has been defeated by Cincinnati this season. However, it was in Cincinnati. To clinch the AFC North title, the Bengals won with a last-second field goal, 34 to 31.

If the Chiefs win it would be their third consecutive appearance in the Super Bowl.

Kickoff is scheduled for 3:00 p.m. ET on CBS