Despite the resignation presented by the concessionaire, the fish market in the port of Alicante will continue to provide service until the end of the public tender, which will be called if, finally, the board of directors approves the resignation of the Llotja d’Alacant company.

It will be at the next meeting of the council when the company’s request for resignation is resolved, which has promised to maintain the service until the resolution of the public tender that awards a new exploitation concession.

The Llotja d’Alacant company took over the operation of the fish market for ten years in 2016, after presenting a business plan in accordance with the current economic situation. This situation has been drastically altered in the last two years, and it is that, in addition to the reduction in business volume, caused by the health crisis, other factors have been added, such as the rise in fuel prices, caused by the invasion of Ukraine, or the increase in terms of biological strikes for fishing.

All these factors, hardly foreseeable six years ago, have forced a significant decrease in the volume of business at a loss, forcing the current concessionaire to rethink its continuity with the conditions agreed in 2016, which has been forced to request resignation, before endanger their survival as a company.

Regardless of what happens once it is convened, the intention of the Port Authority is to articulate the necessary mechanisms so that the fishing activity is not affected by the process, and continues to develop until the resolution of the contest, as the company itself has requested to not harm shipowners and customers, who continue to operate normally in the fish market of the port of Alicante.

If so, the contest would be published in June, and could be resolved by the end of September, with the company’s resignation being postponed until the very moment of its resolution.