The president of the Popular Party of Toledo, Carlos Velázquez, has demanded this Wednesday to the Government of Castilla-La Mancha that an integral action be carried out urgently to fix the CM-4167 road, which joins the municipalities of Urda, Madridejos and Consuegra with the road to Ciudad Real (N-401), to end the danger and isolation produced by its current state of total abandonment.

This has been reported on a visit to Urda, where he has been able to verify, together with the mayor of the town, Manuel Galán, the poor condition of this road. A visit in which they have been accompanied by the spokesman for the Popular Group of the Diputación, Manuel Fernández; the provincial deputy, Almudena González; the mayor of Consuegra, José Manuel Quijorna, and councilors from the area.

«Again a road of the Community Board, which should serve some 50,000 inhabitants and towns such as Urda, Consuegra and Madridejos, which is the natural union with Ciudad Real by the N-401, and which is completely disabled at the moment ; It is just one more example of the many that exist in this situation in Castilla-La Mancha and the province of Toledo, roads from the year 2022 that look more like roads from the 19th century.”

The provincial president has recalled the repeated complaints in this regard that have been made both from the town halls, as well as in the Cortes of Castilla-La Mancha and in the Diputación de Toledo, by the PP, «but the Junta has always turned a deaf ear and The most that has been done is to put some patch, that when the rain comes, it is lifted, which of course is not the solution and the intolerable situation of the road is visible.

In this sense, he has warned that “the only solution is a comprehensive action on this road, which cannot be used by the nearly 50,000 residents to whom it should serve” and has lamented that “the Community Board and its president, Emiliano García -Page, are looking the other way in the face of problems like this, which are the ones that really matter and concern the Castilian-La Mancha people».

Velázquez has clarified that the shameful state of this road “is the sole and exclusive responsibility of Page and the Socialist Government of Castilla-La Mancha”, for which he has insisted on the need for an immediate solution, since “it is truly regrettable to see how in In so many towns in our province, the Government of Page abandons the neighbors to their fate, abandoning their functions».