The Popular Party wants Congress to express its recognition of the “extraordinary service” provided by the National Intelligence Center (CNI), all of this in full controversy over the espionage cases with the ‘Pegasus’ program and only two weeks after the dismissal of its director, Paz Esteban.

Through a non-law proposal, to which Europa Press has had access, the ‘popular’ will ask next Wednesday that the Defense Commission of Congress publicly recognize the work of the CNI and all its members.

But in addition, the initiative emphasizes that all of them carry out their work “faithfully” fulfilling the purposes that are legally assigned, “with absolute respect for the principles of control and full submission to the legal system.”

This debate comes after the controversy generated by the cases of espionage — both against pro-independence politicians and members of the Executive — and the government’s decision to “replace” Paz Esteban with Esperanza Casteleiro at the head of the intelligence service.

The PP stresses that the work of the CNI is “one of the fundamental pillars” on which security is based and this makes all its members “creditors of the maximum recognition and respect on the part of the powers of the State, of the institutions and of Spanish society in general”.

And he assures that they have no other objective than the fulfillment of their duty, which has even cost the lives of some of their agents. However, he accuses the government of having “recklessly” placed the body “at the center of controversy”, “questioning its effectiveness and good work in the eyes of public opinion.”

The PP highlights two facts that, in its opinion, are “especially serious”: the regulatory reform that allowed the constitution of the Commission of Reserved Expenses in Congress with the entry of EH Bildu, ERC or Junts and the revelation made by the Government that the cell phones of some of its members had been spied on.

But in addition, the ‘popular’ want the Government to commit to increasing the technical resources of the National Cryptologic Center, and its budget if necessary, and to expressly entrust this body with the competence over the security of the mobile phones of the head of the Executive and high positions.

The ‘Pegasus case’ has already motivated several parliamentary debates and also next week the Defense Minister, Margarita Robles, will have to answer a new question on the matter in the government control session.

Specifically, the Vox deputy Ignacio Gil Lázaro will ask the minister if she believes that the “two thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine” members of the CNI feel defended by her.

The Vox deputy already asked Robles about the same issue in the last control session. “The problem is that you have betrayed yourself, unable to act coherently, be loyal to your CNI subordinates by refusing to be part of Sánchez’s transfer to his separatist partners and save your dignity,” Gil Lázaro reproached the minister. .