“We will not go to the general approval or lower the level of demand.” With these words, the Minister of Education, Rocío Lucas, has made it clear what the position of Castilla y León will be before the entry into force of the new state education law, Lomloe, a rule that the Community will comply with, despite the fact that it supposes a “devaluation” of the system. “We do not want an educational model based on mediocrity and the impoverishment of the contents,” however, assured the head of the educational area, who has guaranteed that her team, with her at the head, will defend the “successful model” of a autonomy that is «reference». “It is a pity that the short-sightedness of some, who, having models that work in our country, ignore them”, maintained a counselor who is highly critical of the new regulations during the presentation appearance of the legislature program in the Cortes.

Meanwhile, Castilla y León will continue “reducing repetition and early school leaving rates”, but without lowering the level, but rather “injecting more resources into the system, reinforcing the education of the most vulnerable students”. Within its scope of competence, it will “correct” some aspects of state legislation because “in this community it is not indoctrinated, since the contents that the Government ignores will be complemented,” he added. In History, the chronological study will be maintained, Philosophy will continue in the 4th year of ESO and students will have the option to recover in the last school days of each course, after the Ministry eliminated the September exams at this stage. But there will also be a commitment to maintain the numerical grades –something that also disappears with the Lomloe– and the limit of failures to pass the course in Secondary. “We do not want to give away the titles, we want it to be titled with knowledge”, the counselor has expressed to questions from the opposition. And it is that, otherwise, education “will cease to be that social elevator”, she has specified.

Another of the aspects on which the Ministry will focus will be on retaining the talent that leaves the universities of Castilla y León or making it return. In this line, it has committed an “active policy” and measures that also allow attracting young people trained through “opportunities” in the Castilian and Leonese environment.

It will redouble efforts to achieve a single EBAU for the entire territory, defending that «highly qualified» Community students can access competitive degrees «on equal terms» and the prices of postgraduate university studies will be progressively lowered, teachings that They will also be linked to the needs of the territory for «rapid incorporation into the labor market». Specifically, for the next academic year, qualifying master’s students will pay 368 euros less. The Ministry will also bet on a new scholarship model based not on the grade of the academic record, but on the call already made for academic achievement (approved credits) to “reward effort and results”. “We will extend the aid to income threshold 2 – until now they have only been granted for level 1, referring to the lowest incomes, and we will increase their amount”, he detailed.

Free child education from 0 to 3 years will start in this legislature, with a first step in the next course with schoolchildren from 2 to 3, while the rest will be progressively extended. In total, 680 centers in the Community, both public and private, will offer places, he explained, after noting that the dining room aid will also be extended for this stage. In the economic support section, the Releo program will continue, the mixed system of loan and subsidized purchase of books in which in the coming years the income threshold will continue to be raised so that “more than half of the students in the compulsory stages have free books”.

In addition, Rocío Lucas has announced the regulations for a new bilingual teaching model, although the sections that already exist in the centers will continue to be approved, the Attention to Diversity Plan will be renewed and a “mentoring program” will be launched, in which successful college graduates “generate interest and build benchmarks of effort.” There will be a firm commitment to FP, whose new state law was also harshly criticized, and for “wide public employment offers”, with 1,324 new stabilization places, which, together with those that are pending, add up to 2,427.